WRJ 14.04.2023


» Kilpailupäivä 14.04.2023
» Viimeinen ilmoittautumispäivä 11.04.2023
» Vastuuhenkilö titiuu VRL-10361
» Järjestyspaikka Syringa Ranch SYRI1233
» Tulokset arvotaan arvontakoneella
» Arvontatapana toimii lyhyt arvonta

» Yhteen luokkaa otetaan korkeintaan 100 osallistujaa
» Yhdeltä ratsastajalta korkeintaan 10 hevosta yhteen luokkaan
» Jokainen kilpailija voi ilmoittaa kilpailuihin vain itsensä
» Yksi hevonen voi osallistua korkeintaan 6. luokkaan
» Yksi hevonen voi osallistua yhteen luokkaan vain kerran
» Kilpailut ovat kaikille avoimet


» Osallistumiset sähköpostitse osoitteeseen lilli.collie@gmail.com
    otsikolla Syri WRJ 252-255
» Osallistumismuoto:
Luokka nro(t)
Ratsastaja (VRL-tunnus) - Hevonen VH-tunnus

» VRL-tunnus ja VH-tunnus ovat pakollisia


1. Halter
2. Reining
3. Western pleasure
4. Ranch trail
5. Barrel racing
6. Cutting


1. Halter os. 20
1. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Khalicah ox VH21-003-0164
2. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Mallee Bull VH22-115-0015
3. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Color It Pitch Black VH21-052-0112
4. titiuu (VRL-10361) - ShakeThat! VH22-115-0010

5. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Overly Sweet O'Hara VH21-052-0068
6. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Ready for Scares Rin VH22-133-0057
7. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Any Luck Rin VH21-037-0072
8. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Gertrude Rin VH22-002-0015
9. Pierre (VRL-10531) - DLHS Rockabye Baby VH21-014-0053
10. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Bel Azeeza ox VH22-218-0003
11. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Stefcia Rin VH21-037-0087
12. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Fairford VH22-002-0017
13. Pierre (VRL-10531) - B.B. Immortal Inferni VH21-072-0066
14. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Bloom Gloom Sellamaye VH21-014-0179
15. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Arkansas Star GA VH20-014-0077
16. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Maliseet Ion VH21-037-0054
17. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Battlemoon VH22-133-0059
18. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Crampton Bayou Five VH20-115-0012
19. Pierre (VRL-10531) - All That Glitters VH16-037-0017
20. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Far Far Away Rin VH21-002-0029

2. Reining os. 20
1. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Crampton Bayou Five VH20-115-0012
2. Pierre (VRL-10531) - You Got The Goodnight VH22-014-0118
3. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Dunnit Make Sense VH22-052-0036
4. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Snicker Poco Bar VH22-014-0114

5. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Stefcia Rin VH21-037-0087
6. titiuu (VRL-10361) - ShakeThat! VH22-115-0010
7. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Overpowered Explosion VH22-014-0119
8. Pierre (VRL-10531) - King Washington VH22-014-0060
9. Pierre (VRL-10531) - MR Super Game VH21-014-0042
10. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Fairford VH22-002-0017
11. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Any Luck Rin VH21-037-0072
12. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Innit Wonderful Idea VH22-052-0041
13. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Battlemoon VH22-133-0059
14. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Extraordinary VH21-052-0099
15. Pierre (VRL-10531) - 7 Wonders VH22-052-0037
16. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Mallee Bull VH22-115-0015
17. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Far Far Away Rin VH21-002-0029
18. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Gertrude Rin VH22-002-0015
19. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Ready for Scares Rin VH22-133-0057
20. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Docs Dana Scully VH22-014-0112

3. Western pleasure os. 21
1. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Bel Azeeza ox VH22-218-0003
2. Harper MacDonald (VRL-14901) - Little Bit VH22-102-0049
3. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Stefcia Rin VH21-037-0087
4. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Blazing Classy Shine Ion VH21-052-0061

5. Pierre (VRL-10531) - King Washington VH22-014-0060
6. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Fairford VH22-002-0017
7. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Mallee Bull VH22-115-0015
8. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Any Luck Rin VH21-037-0072
9. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Birch Bark Blazingze VH20-059-0065
10. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Arkansas Star GA VH20-014-0077
11. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Unexpected X VH21-052-0066
12. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Ready for Scares Rin VH22-133-0057
13. titiuu (VRL-10361) - ShakeThat! VH22-115-0010
14. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Gertrude Rin VH22-002-0015
15. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Funky Moves Cool Grooves VH22-052-0040
16. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Far Far Away Rin VH21-002-0029
17. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Khalicah ox VH21-003-0164
18. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Crampton Bayou Five VH20-115-0012
19. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ravines Ladykiller VH22-014-0052
20. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Snicker Poco Bar VH22-014-0114
21. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Battlemoon VH22-133-0059

4. Ranch trail os. 21
1. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Mortimer GW VH21-072-0064
2. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Stefcia Rin VH21-037-0087
3. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Eckert's Infinity VH21-072-0065
4. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Rin Dilligaf VH21-115-0029

5. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Far Far Away Rin VH21-002-0029
6. Pierre (VRL-10531) - RWR Command And Conquer VH17-014-0095
7. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Gertrude Rin VH22-002-0015
8. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Any Luck Rin VH21-037-0072
9. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Crampton Bayou Five VH20-115-0012
10. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Glademist Celestial Moon VH21-072-0011
11. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Fairford VH22-002-0017
12. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Jenny Andrews Ion VH21-072-0038
13. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Mallee Bull VH22-115-0015
14. titiuu (VRL-10361) - ShakeThat! VH22-115-0010
15. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Battlemoon VH22-133-0059
16. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Color It Pitch Black VH21-052-0112
17. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Magnificent Lunacy VH21-014-0176
18. Harper MacDonald (VRL-14901) - Little Bit VH22-102-0049
19. Pierre (VRL-10531) - King Cannot Checkmate VH21-014-0246
20. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Aurora Borealis Ion VH21-072-0037
21. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Ready for Scares Rin VH22-133-0057

5. Barrel racing os. 20
1. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Grand And Glorious VH21-014-0036
2. Pierre (VRL-10531) - B.B. Sonic Rainboom VH22-014-0111
3. Pierre (VRL-10531) - You Got The Goodnight VH22-014-0118
4. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Rise Like A Phoenix VH22-014-0059

5. Pierre (VRL-10531) - King Cannot Checkmate VH21-014-0246
6. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Ready for Scares Rin VH22-133-0057
7. titiuu (VRL-10361) - ShakeThat! VH22-115-0010
8. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Dimashk Zaman ox VH15-003-0520
9. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Crampton Bayou Five VH20-115-0012
10. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Gertrude Rin VH22-002-0015
11. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Fairford VH22-002-0017
12. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Far Far Away Rin VH21-002-0029
13. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Look What You Made Me Do VH21-052-0009
14. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Any Luck Rin VH21-037-0072
15. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Funky Moves Cool Grooves VH22-052-0040
16. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Stefcia Rin VH21-037-0087
17. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Mallee Bull VH22-115-0015
18. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Betterthanaverage Gotcha VH21-014-0035
19. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Battlemoon VH22-133-0059
20. Pierre (VRL-10531) - May Belle 'DW VH21-014-0039

6. Cutting os. 23
1. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Mister O Spooky VH22-052-0042
2. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Bejeweled Jade VH22-014-0113
3. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Far Far Away Rin VH21-002-0029
4. Ireth (VRL-03777) - MR Your Best Hope VH16-014-0153

5. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Enough Iowa Ion VH20-052-0011
6. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Gertrude Rin VH22-002-0015
7. titiuu (VRL-10361) - ShakeThat! VH22-115-0010
8. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Any Luck Rin VH21-037-0072
9. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Stefcia Rin VH21-037-0087
10. Pierre (VRL-10531) - King Cannot Checkmate VH21-014-0246
11. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star VH22-037-0017
12. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Murder In My Mind VH23-014-0071
13. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Crampton Bayou Five VH20-115-0012
14. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Nu Chex Chocolate VH22-037-0049
15. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Sheza Americium VH22-052-0072
16. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Mister O Snazzy VH22-052-0044
17. Ireth (VRL-03777) - RWR Gift For Christmas VH21-014-0197
18. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Bad Moon Paradox VH22-052-0073
19. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Ready for Scares Rin VH22-133-0057
20. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Mister O Marvelous VH22-052-0043
21. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Battlemoon VH22-133-0059
22. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Mallee Bull VH22-115-0015
23. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Fairford VH22-002-0017

Ulkoasu © VRL-10361
Koristekuvat © VRL-10361
Syringa Ranch on virtuaalitalli ja tähän kilpailuun voi osallistua ainoastaan virtuaalihevoset. Nämä kilpailut eivät ole aito tapahtuma.