Luokka 1. Halter, os. 50
1. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Zahra Nabila VH18-003-0083
2. S (VRL-00329) - Mister American Express GA VH21-052-0076
3. titiuu (VRL-10361) - War Of The Roses 'DW VH22-133-0010
4. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Goldoak's Butternut VH16-014-0061
5. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Piedmont Blues 'DW VH22-133-0018
6. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Tiger Eye VH21-133-0073
7. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Abu Nadir VH18-003-0176
8. Maximillian Kühling (VRL-10337) - Moonfields Morenia VH20-244-0004
9. Pierre (VRL-10531) - B.B. Immortal Inferni VH21-072-0066
10. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Khalicah ox VH21-003-0164
11. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Bel Azeeza ox VH22-218-0003
12. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Polkadot VH21-133-0121
13. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Viserion VH22-133-0004
14. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Robbie-Boy VH21-133-0179
15. S (VRL-00329) - Narza Islah VH15-003-0430
16. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Sambass VH22-133-0024
17. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Bellimo Amiral VH22-003-0083
18. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Blazing Classy Shine Ion VH21-052-0061
19. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Shawanes DidiDOO VH22-014-0024
20. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Heza Secrecy LH VH21-014-0167
21. k (VRL-10444) - Copyright Claim 'DW VH22-133-0032
22. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Myra Maybelle Hazard VH21-014-0030
23. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Sirlia ox VH22-003-0080
24. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Cowpunk VH22-133-0019
25. S (VRL-00329) - Shiny Dun Ion VH15-052-0089
26. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ravines Ladykiller VH22-014-0052
27. S (VRL-00329) - Burn Some Bucks Ion VH18-052-0001
28. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Arkansas Star GA VH20-014-0077
29. S (VRL-00329) - Pink Radioactive VH18-014-0034
30. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Nieves VH18-083-0001
31. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Stellinga VH22-133-0035
32. S (VRL-00329) - Gold Dun Ion VH20-052-0012
33. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - KS Courdelaire VH18-003-0134
34. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Beyond Burning Sky VH21-052-0115
35. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Cactus Jack VH21-014-0258
36. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead's Wildling VH22-133-0009
37. S (VRL-00329) - Syanid Granaya ox VH15-003-0470
38. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Lannister VH22-133-0014
39. S (VRL-00329) - Syanid Wayeeza ox VH15-003-0472
40. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - OWR Heheweew VH21-055-0015
41. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Harelle VH22-133-0046
42. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Crampton Crocodile Hunter VH21-115-0014
43. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead's Nymeria VH22-133-0006
44. k (VRL-10444) - Dawn Age 'DW VH22-133-0005
45. S (VRL-00329) - Five Crows Ion VH21-037-0001
46. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Avant-garde VH22-133-0017
47. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Missandei VH22-133-0003
48. Pierre (VRL-10531) - CHR Splittin Cash VH21-052-0063
49. S (VRL-00329) - Gimme Big Bucks Ion VH16-052-0074
50. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Immookalee VH21-055-0005
Luokka 2. Halter showmanship os. 46
1. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Polkadot VH21-133-0121
2. Maximillian Kühling (VRL-10337) - Moonfields Morenia VH20-244-0004
3. S (VRL-00329) - Zack Dun Ion VH15-052-0021
4. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Overly Sweet O'Hara VH21-052-0068
5. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Crampton Ophelia VH21-115-0018
6. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Immookalee VH21-055-0005
7. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead's Nymeria VH22-133-0006
8. k (VRL-10444) - Copyright Claim 'DW VH22-133-0032
9. S (VRL-00329) - Solanka Khaled Nelis ox VH20-003-0042
10. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Magnificent Lunacy VH21-014-0176
11. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Lannister VH22-133-0014
12. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Myra Maybelle Hazard VH21-014-0030
13. Pierre (VRL-10531) - DLHS Rockabye Baby VH21-014-0053
14. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Cactus Jack VH21-014-0258
15. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Sure Enough Indeed VH21-052-0070
16. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Good Ol' Whatshername VH20-037-0015
17. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Sambass VH22-133-0024
18. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Funky Moves Cool Grooves VH22-052-0040
19. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Robbie-Boy VH21-133-0179
20. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Harelle VH22-133-0046
21. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Stellinga VH22-133-0035
22. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Nieves VH18-083-0001
23. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead's Wildling VH22-133-0009
24. S (VRL-00329) - Syanid Wayeeza ox VH15-003-0472
25. S (VRL-00329) - Blazing Hot Shine Ion VH20-052-0008
26. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Orange Wood's Rock Me to the Moon VH20-037-0013
27. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Piedmont Blues 'DW VH22-133-0018
28. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Maliseet Ion VH21-037-0054
29. S (VRL-00329) - Narza Islah VH15-003-0430
30. S (VRL-00329) - Shady Lady Ion VH16-052-0003
31. k (VRL-10444) - Dawn Age 'DW VH22-133-0005
32. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Cowpunk VH22-133-0019
33. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - OWR Heheweew VH21-055-0015
34. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Avant-garde VH22-133-0017
35. S (VRL-00329) - Shiny Dun Ion VH15-052-0089
36. titiuu (VRL-10361) - War Of The Roses 'DW VH22-133-0010
37. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Sirlia ox VH22-003-0080
38. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Viserion VH22-133-0004
39. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Tiger Eye VH21-133-0073
40. S (VRL-00329) - Mister American Express GA VH21-052-0076
41. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Missandei VH22-133-0003
42. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Like a Thousand Pounds of Dynamite VH21-052-0103
43. S (VRL-00329) - Burn Some Bucks Ion VH18-052-0001
44. S (VRL-00329) - Syanid Granaya ox VH15-003-0470
45. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Shawanes DidiDOO VH22-014-0024
46. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Crampton Crocodile Hunter VH21-115-0014
Luokka 3. Trail-in-hand, os. 46
1. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Harelle VH22-133-0046
2. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Sambass VH22-133-0024
3. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Tiger Eye VH21-133-0073
4. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Avant-garde VH22-133-0017
5. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Good Ol' Whatshername VH20-037-0015
6. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Piedmont Blues 'DW VH22-133-0018
7. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Shawanes DidiDOO VH22-014-0024
8. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Maliseet Ion VH21-037-0054
9. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Immookalee VH21-055-0005
10. Maximillian Kühling (VRL-10337) - Moonfields Morenia VH20-244-0004
11. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Crampton Crocodile Hunter VH21-115-0014
12. S (VRL-00329) - Pink Enough Blue VH16-052-0075
13. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Missandei VH22-133-0003
14. S (VRL-00329) - Gimme Big Bucks Ion VH16-052-0074
15. S (VRL-00329) - Mikeno Wadneh ox VH12-003-0820
16. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead's Wildling VH22-133-0009
17. S (VRL-00329) - Taktik Wahdani ox VH21-003-0088
18. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Sure Enough Indeed VH21-052-0070
19. titiuu (VRL-10361) - War Of The Roses 'DW VH22-133-0010
20. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Polkadot VH21-133-0121
21. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Viserion VH22-133-0004
22. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Cowpunk VH22-133-0019
23. k (VRL-10444) - Copyright Claim 'DW VH22-133-0032
24. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Sirlia ox VH22-003-0080
25. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Lannister VH22-133-0014
26. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Stellinga VH22-133-0035
27. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Crampton Ophelia VH21-115-0018
28. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Nieves VH18-083-0001
29. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Robbie-Boy VH21-133-0179
30. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Orange Wood's Rock Me to the Moon VH20-037-0013
31. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Magnificent Lunacy VH21-014-0176
32. S (VRL-00329) - Whata Yuppie GA VH22-052-0002
33. S (VRL-00329) - Narza Yakira ox VH15-003-0436
34. S (VRL-00329) - American Pale Ale Ion VH20-052-0014
35. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - OWR Heheweew VH21-055-0015
36. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Overly Sweet O'Hara VH21-052-0068
37. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin King Stefan VH21-037-0074
38. S (VRL-00329) - Mister American Express GA VH21-052-0076
39. S (VRL-00329) - Chicks Fashion GA VH21-052-0081
40. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Like a Thousand Pounds of Dynamite VH21-052-0103
41. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Funky Moves Cool Grooves VH22-052-0040
42. k (VRL-10444) - Dawn Age 'DW VH22-133-0005
43. S (VRL-00329) - Gold Dun Ion VH20-052-0012
44. Pierre (VRL-10531) - DLHS Rockabye Baby VH21-014-0053
45. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead's Nymeria VH22-133-0006
46. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Far Millie VH21-002-0017
Luokka 4. Reining, os. 52
1. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Skull Star Diamond VH21-014-0174
2. S (VRL-00329) - Sonofabtch GA VH21-052-0078
3. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Docs Dana Scully VH22-014-0112
4. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Harelle VH22-133-0046
5. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Amon-Ra of Smithloch VH17-003-0162
6. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Mister O Snazzy VH22-052-0044
7. k (VRL-10444) - Copyright Claim 'DW VH22-133-0032
8. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Little Charla VH21-052-0120
9. S (VRL-00329) - Korel Abeya ox VH20-003-0053
10. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Tiger Eye VH21-133-0073
11. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead's Nymeria VH22-133-0006
12. S (VRL-00329) - Zana Blue Ion VH20-052-0021
13. S (VRL-00329) - Foo Fighter Ion VH13-037-0063
14. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Dunnit Make Sense VH22-052-0036
15. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Nieves VH18-083-0001
16. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Innit Wonderful Idea VH22-052-0041
17. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Sambass VH22-133-0024
18. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Sirlia ox VH22-003-0080
19. Tyler Andrews (VRL-10337) - Happy Hiccup VH21-014-0201
20. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead's Wildling VH22-133-0009
21. S (VRL-00329) - Sweet Btch GA VH22-052-0019
22. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Dryad Lilian VH22-006-0005
23. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Immookalee VH21-055-0005
24. Pierre (VRL-10531) - King Washington VH22-014-0060
25. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Missandei VH22-133-0003
26. S (VRL-00329) - Classy And Exclusive Ion VH21-052-0084
27. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Frontier Rin VH21-014-0254
28. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Outsider VH21-037-0033
29. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Cowpunk VH22-133-0019
30. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Avant-garde VH22-133-0017
31. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Li’l Buzzin’ VH21-014-0260
32. S (VRL-00329) - Gimme Big Bucks Ion VH16-052-0074
33. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Stellinga VH22-133-0035
34. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Mister O Marvelous VH22-052-0043
35. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Klondike Doc McCoy VH21-052-0101
36. S (VRL-00329) - Lady Be Tough Ion VH21-052-0088
37. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Piedmont Blues 'DW VH22-133-0018
38. S (VRL-00329) - Heza Last Chance GA VH22-052-0003
39. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Mister O Spooky VH22-052-0042
40. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - OWR Heheweew VH21-055-0015
41. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Beyond Burning Sky VH21-052-0115
42. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Thick Of Things VH21-014-0257
43. k (VRL-10444) - Dawn Age 'DW VH22-133-0005
44. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Viserion VH22-133-0004
45. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Hot 'n' Cold VH22-006-0006
46. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Old Cracker VH21-014-0159
47. titiuu (VRL-10361) - War Of The Roses 'DW VH22-133-0010
48. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Lannister VH22-133-0014
49. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Shawanes DidiDOO VH22-014-0024
50. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Rosethorn Lilibeth VH22-006-0016
51. S (VRL-00329) - Amab Quechua ox VH12-003-0331
52. Minni (VRL-10337) - Furious Furada 'DW VH21-133-0018
Luokka 5. Freestyle reining, os. 52
1. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Thick Of Things VH21-014-0257
2. S (VRL-00329) - Korel Abeya ox VH20-003-0053
3. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Dunnit Make Sense VH22-052-0036
4. titiuu (VRL-10361) - War Of The Roses 'DW VH22-133-0010
5. S (VRL-00329) - Foo Fighter Ion VH13-037-0063
6. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Stellinga VH22-133-0035
7. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Beyond Burning Sky VH21-052-0115
8. S (VRL-00329) - Heza Last Chance GA VH22-052-0003
9. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Mister O Marvelous VH22-052-0043
10. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Skull Star Diamond VH21-014-0174
11. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Frontier Rin VH21-014-0254
12. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Sirlia ox VH22-003-0080
13. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead's Wildling VH22-133-0009
14. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Cowpunk VH22-133-0019
15. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Nieves VH18-083-0001
16. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Innit Wonderful Idea VH22-052-0041
17. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Amon-Ra of Smithloch VH17-003-0162
18. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Immookalee VH21-055-0005
19. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Missandei VH22-133-0003
20. S (VRL-00329) - Sweet Btch GA VH22-052-0019
21. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead's Nymeria VH22-133-0006
22. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Hot 'n' Cold VH22-006-0006
23. k (VRL-10444) - Copyright Claim 'DW VH22-133-0032
24. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Piedmont Blues 'DW VH22-133-0018
25. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Lannister VH22-133-0014
26. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Avant-garde VH22-133-0017
27. S (VRL-00329) - Star Fighter Ion VH21-037-0003
28. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Viserion VH22-133-0004
29. Minni (VRL-10337) - Furious Furada 'DW VH21-133-0018
30. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Outsider VH21-037-0033
31. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Harelle VH22-133-0046
32. k (VRL-10444) - Dawn Age 'DW VH22-133-0005
33. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Mister O Snazzy VH22-052-0044
34. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Tiger Eye VH21-133-0073
35. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Old Cracker VH21-014-0159
36. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Little Charla VH21-052-0120
37. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Klondike Doc McCoy VH21-052-0101
38. S (VRL-00329) - Classy And Exclusive Ion VH21-052-0084
39. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Shawanes DidiDOO VH22-014-0024
40. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Rosethorn Lilibeth VH22-006-0016
41. S (VRL-00329) - Amab Quechua ox VH12-003-0331
42. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Li’l Buzzin’ VH21-014-0260
43. S (VRL-00329) - Zana Blue Ion VH20-052-0021
44. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - OWR Heheweew VH21-055-0015
45. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Docs Dana Scully VH22-014-0112
46. S (VRL-00329) - Lady Be Tough Ion VH21-052-0088
47. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Sambass VH22-133-0024
48. Pierre (VRL-10531) - King Washington VH22-014-0060
49. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Mister O Spooky VH22-052-0042
50. S (VRL-00329) - Sonofabtch GA VH21-052-0078
51. Tyler Andrews (VRL-10337) - Happy Hiccup VH21-014-0201
52. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Dryad Lilian VH22-006-0005
Luokka 6. Versatile horse, os. 53
1. S (VRL-00329) - Taktik Cobeh ox VH21-003-0059
2. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Pánchialdo VH20-083-0004
3. S (VRL-00329) - Dakota Bad Lands Ion VH21-052-0085
4. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Cowpunk VH22-133-0019
5. Cella (VRL-08526) - Whirlwinded Dot VH14-010-0043
6. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Coast to Coast O'Hara VH21-014-0181
7. S (VRL-00329) - Aziza Zyam ox VH12-003-0139
8. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead's Wildling VH22-133-0009
9. Pierre (VRL-10531) - All About Guess VH15-014-0019
10. S (VRL-00329) - Thaz Waqar ox VH21-003-0122
11. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Glademist Celestial Moon VH21-072-0011
12. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Immookalee VH21-055-0005
13. S (VRL-00329) - Taktik Ataullah ox VH21-003-0085
14. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Sirlia ox VH22-003-0080
15. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - OWR Heheweew VH21-055-0015
16. S (VRL-00329) - Heza Last Chance GA VH22-052-0003
17. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Tiger Eye VH21-133-0073
18. k (VRL-10444) - Dawn Age 'DW VH22-133-0005
19. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Nieves VH18-083-0001
20. S (VRL-00329) - Taktik Wysok ox VH12-003-0179
21. titiuu (VRL-10361) - War Of The Roses 'DW VH22-133-0010
22. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Lannister VH22-133-0014
23. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Viserion VH22-133-0004
24. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Shawanes DidiDOO VH22-014-0024
25. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Avant-garde VH22-133-0017
26. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Dryad Lilian VH22-006-0005
27. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Color It Pitch Black VH21-052-0112
28. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Hipparionini ‘DW VH21-014-0262
29. Tyler Andrews (VRL-10337) - Happy Hiccup VH21-014-0201
30. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Double O Seven VH21-037-0061
31. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Lucky Tex Ion VH21-014-0223
32. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Hot 'n' Cold VH22-006-0006
33. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Frontier Rin VH21-014-0254
34. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Sambass VH22-133-0024
35. S (VRL-00329) - Fanya Altaira ox VH15-003-0403
36. S (VRL-00329) - Qismah Jilana ox VH15-003-0446
37. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Rosethorn Lilibeth VH22-006-0016
38. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Piedmont Blues 'DW VH22-133-0018
39. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead's Nymeria VH22-133-0006
40. S (VRL-00329) - Taktik Ilham ox VH21-003-0066
41. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Cheating Cheater Who Cheats VH21-014-0083
42. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Aurora Borealis Ion VH21-072-0037
43. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Jenny Andrews Ion VH21-072-0038
44. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Old Cracker VH21-014-0159
45. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Stellinga VH22-133-0035
46. Minni (VRL-10337) - Furious Furada 'DW VH21-133-0018
47. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Like a Thousand Pounds of Dynamite VH21-052-0103
48. k (VRL-10444) - Copyright Claim 'DW VH22-133-0032
49. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Outsider VH21-037-0033
50. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Harelle VH22-133-0046
51. k (VRL-10444) - Dead's Missandei VH22-133-0003
52. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Gunned Down Coldblood VH21-014-0199
53. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Amon-Ra of Smithloch VH17-003-0162
Luokka 7. Western riding, os. 55
1. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Tornadot VH15-010-0316
2. k (VRL-10444) - Galaxy Trend 'DW VH22-133-0056
3. S (VRL-00329) - Gold Dun Ion VH20-052-0012
4. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Marvelous Magic 51 VH16-178-0003
5. S (VRL-00329) - Nevada Gold Ion VH21-052-0091
6. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Sowi'ngwa VH17-052-0050
7. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Beneath A Moonless Sky VH21-052-0104
8. k (VRL-10444) - Forever Hiccup VH22-037-0047
9. S (VRL-00329) - CHR Nic' It Time VH20-052-0009
10. k (VRL-10444) - Speedy Headshot VH21-034-0076
11. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Pinerock Altair Flamingo VH18-073-0001
12. S (VRL-00329) - Smoke 'N Guns DLHS VH18-052-0002
13. S (VRL-00329) - Sheza Lil Star GA VH21-052-0075
14. k (VRL-10444) - Monster Song 'DW VH22-133-0052
15. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Ten Teardrops Rin VH21-014-0216
16. Cella (VRL-08526) - Whirlwinded Dot VH14-010-0043
17. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Unexpected X VH21-052-0066
18. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Daffidazey 'DW VH21-014-0051
19. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Rosethorn Lilibeth VH22-006-0016
20. Pierre (VRL-10531) - B.B. Immortal Inferni VH21-072-0066
21. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Death Star ‘DW VH21-133-0070
22. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Bel Azeeza ox VH22-218-0003
23. Minni (VRL-10337) - Furious Furada 'DW VH21-133-0018
24. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Hippie Colors VH20-081-0003
25. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Content Cop VH22-133-0031
26. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Snicker Poco Bar VH22-014-0114
27. S (VRL-00329) - Yaron Jineyfa ox VH13-003-0291
28. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Chillstep VH22-133-0022
29. k (VRL-10444) - Ravines Mistlesnow VH22-014-0070
30. S (VRL-00329) - Sheza Diamond Catcher VH20-052-0020
31. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Arkansas Star GA VH20-014-0077
32. Pierre (VRL-10531) - CHR Classic Jargoon VH21-014-0170
33. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Between Barrows VH22-014-0068
34. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Zebra Cake VH21-052-0044
35. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Adara VH21-133-0067
36. k (VRL-10444) - Hazardous Work QHA VH22-133-0013
37. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Khalicah ox VH21-003-0164
38. Pierre (VRL-10531) - All-American Ion VH21-014-0166
39. k (VRL-10444) - Kawaii Metal 'DW VH22-133-0021
40. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s First Fitna VH22-133-0034
41. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Amon-Ra of Smithloch VH17-003-0162
42. Tyler Andrews (VRL-10337) - Happy Hiccup VH21-014-0201
43. k (VRL-10444) - Java War 'DW VH22-133-0038
44. S (VRL-00329) - Solanka Khaled Nelis ox VH20-003-0042
45. k (VRL-10444) - DLH Skyheart Echoes VH22-014-0050
46. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Keinan VH21-133-0118
47. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Maija Magia VH20-018-0289
48. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Trending VH22-014-0046
49. Tyler Andrews (VRL-10337) - OWR Imaghost VH21-055-0006
50. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Hot 'n' Cold VH22-006-0006
51. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Dryad Lilian VH22-006-0005
52. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Frontier Rin VH21-014-0254
53. k (VRL-10444) - Emu War 'DW VH22-014-0047
54. S (VRL-00329) - Royal Blue Ion VH21-052-0077
55. S (VRL-00329) - Fancy Blue Hour Ion VH21-052-0087
Luokka 8. Western horsemanship, os. 55
1. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Overly Sweet O'Hara VH21-052-0068
2. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Sure Enough Indeed VH21-052-0070
3. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Death Star ‘DW VH21-133-0070
4. S (VRL-00329) - Abriko Nisri ox VH15-003-0377
5. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Maliseet Ion VH21-037-0054
6. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Crampton Ophelia VH21-115-0018
7. k (VRL-10444) - Speedy Headshot VH21-034-0076
8. k (VRL-10444) - Kawaii Metal 'DW VH22-133-0021
9. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Amon-Ra of Smithloch VH17-003-0162
10. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Adara VH21-133-0067
11. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Between Barrows VH22-014-0068
12. k (VRL-10444) - Emu War 'DW VH22-014-0047
13. Cella (VRL-08526) - Whirlwinded Dot VH14-010-0043
14. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Funky Moves Cool Grooves VH22-052-0040
15. S (VRL-00329) - Shady Lady Ion VH16-052-0003
16. S (VRL-00329) - Riww Morda ox VH21-003-0078
17. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Magnificent Lunacy VH21-014-0176
18. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Chillstep VH22-133-0022
19. Minni (VRL-10337) - Furious Furada 'DW VH21-133-0018
20. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Rosethorn Lilibeth VH22-006-0016
21. S (VRL-00329) - Thaz Shu Mai ox VH21-003-0081
22. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Like a Thousand Pounds of Dynamite VH21-052-0103
23. S (VRL-00329) - Blazing Hot Shine Ion VH20-052-0008
24. S (VRL-00329) - Solanka Khaled Nelis ox VH20-003-0042
25. k (VRL-10444) - Galaxy Trend 'DW VH22-133-0056
26. k (VRL-10444) - Ravines Mistlesnow VH22-014-0070
27. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Zebra Cake VH21-052-0044
28. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Marvelous Magic 51 VH16-178-0003
29. k (VRL-10444) - Forever Hiccup VH22-037-0047
30. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Ten Teardrops Rin VH21-014-0216
31. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Pinerock Altair Flamingo VH18-073-0001
32. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Sowi'ngwa VH17-052-0050
33. Tyler Andrews (VRL-10337) - Happy Hiccup VH21-014-0201
34. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s First Fitna VH22-133-0034
35. S (VRL-00329) - Zack Dun Ion VH15-052-0021
36. k (VRL-10444) - Monster Song 'DW VH22-133-0052
37. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Hot 'n' Cold VH22-006-0006
38. k (VRL-10444) - Hazardous Work QHA VH22-133-0013
39. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Good Ol' Whatshername VH20-037-0015
40. k (VRL-10444) - Java War 'DW VH22-133-0038
41. S (VRL-00329) - Zitron Theokleia ox VH15-003-0499
42. S (VRL-00329) - Saint Darina ox VH15-003-0266
43. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Orange Wood's Rock Me to the Moon VH20-037-0013
44. Pierre (VRL-10531) - DLHS Rockabye Baby VH21-014-0053
45. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Maija Magia VH20-018-0289
46. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Keinan VH21-133-0118
47. Tyler Andrews (VRL-10337) - OWR Imaghost VH21-055-0006
48. k (VRL-10444) - DLH Skyheart Echoes VH22-014-0050
49. S (VRL-00329) - Cosmetik Gulshan ox VH12-003-0673
50. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Content Cop VH22-133-0031
51. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Tornadot VH15-010-0316
52. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Hippie Colors VH20-081-0003
53. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Dryad Lilian VH22-006-0005
54. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Trending VH22-014-0046
55. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Frontier Rin VH21-014-0254
Luokka 9. Western trail, os. 55
1. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Amon-Ra of Smithloch VH17-003-0162
2. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Pinerock Altair Flamingo VH18-073-0001
3. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Pánchialdo VH20-083-0004
4. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Backeydoodles Ree VH21-002-0026
5. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s First Fitna VH22-133-0034
6. Tyler Andrews (VRL-10337) - Happy Hiccup VH21-014-0201
7. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin King Stefan VH21-037-0074
8. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Dryad Lilian VH22-006-0005
9. k (VRL-10444) - DLH Skyheart Echoes VH22-014-0050
10. S (VRL-00329) - Pink Enough Blue VH16-052-0075
11. k (VRL-10444) - Ravines Mistlesnow VH22-014-0070
12. S (VRL-00329) - Dirty Zack Ion VH20-052-0031
13. k (VRL-10444) - Emu War 'DW VH22-014-0047
14. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Trending VH22-014-0046
15. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Jenny Andrews Ion VH21-072-0038
16. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Maija Magia VH20-018-0289
17. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Chillstep VH22-133-0022
18. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Double O Seven VH21-037-0061
19. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Marvelous Magic 51 VH16-178-0003
20. S (VRL-00329) - Nevada Gold Ion VH21-052-0091
21. S (VRL-00329) - Narza Yakira ox VH15-003-0436
22. S (VRL-00329) - Mikeno Wadneh ox VH12-003-0820
23. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Gunned Down Coldblood VH21-014-0199
24. Tyler Andrews (VRL-10337) - OWR Imaghost VH21-055-0006
25. S (VRL-00329) - Whata Yuppie GA VH22-052-0002
26. S (VRL-00329) - American Pale Ale Ion VH20-052-0014
27. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Esuvee VH21-037-0083
28. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Content Cop VH22-133-0031
29. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Frontier Rin VH21-014-0254
30. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Hippie Colors VH20-081-0003
31. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Far Millie VH21-002-0017
32. k (VRL-10444) - Monster Song 'DW VH22-133-0052
33. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Between Barrows VH22-014-0068
34. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Coast to Coast O'Hara VH21-014-0181
35. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Aurora Borealis Ion VH21-072-0037
36. k (VRL-10444) - Forever Hiccup VH22-037-0047
37. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Howland Rin VH21-002-0027
38. S (VRL-00329) - Chicks Fashion GA VH21-052-0081
39. k (VRL-10444) - Java War 'DW VH22-133-0038
40. Pierre (VRL-10531) - All About Guess VH15-014-0019
41. k (VRL-10444) - Speedy Headshot VH21-034-0076
42. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Hot 'n' Cold VH22-006-0006
43. k (VRL-10444) - Hazardous Work QHA VH22-133-0013
44. Cella (VRL-08526) - Whirlwinded Dot VH14-010-0043
45. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Color It Pitch Black VH21-052-0112
46. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Glademist Celestial Moon VH21-072-0011
47. S (VRL-00329) - Gimme Indiana Ion VH20-052-0032
48. Minni (VRL-10337) - Furious Furada 'DW VH21-133-0018
49. S (VRL-00329) - Fancy Zack Ion VH21-052-0073
50. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Tornadot VH15-010-0316
51. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Like a Thousand Pounds of Dynamite VH21-052-0103
52. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Rosethorn Lilibeth VH22-006-0016
53. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Sowi'ngwa VH17-052-0050
54. k (VRL-10444) - Galaxy Trend 'DW VH22-133-0056
55. k (VRL-10444) - Kawaii Metal 'DW VH22-133-0021
Luokka 10. Ranch trail, os. 48
1. S (VRL-00329) - Narza Yakira ox VH15-003-0436
2. k (VRL-10444) - Emu War 'DW VH22-014-0047
3. S (VRL-00329) - Gimme Indiana Ion VH20-052-0032
4. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Far Millie VH21-002-0017
5. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Enough Iowa Ion VH20-052-0011
6. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Pinerock Altair Flamingo VH18-073-0001
7. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s First Fitna VH22-133-0034
8. S (VRL-00329) - Taktik Wahdani ox VH21-003-0088
9. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Bejeweled Jade VH22-014-0113
10. S (VRL-00329) - American Pale Ale Ion VH20-052-0014
11. S (VRL-00329) - Pink Enough Blue VH16-052-0075
12. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Cyan Colored Skye VH22-052-0045
13. Pierre (VRL-10531) - King Cannot Checkmate VH21-014-0246
14. k (VRL-10444) - DLH Skyheart Echoes VH22-014-0050
15. Cella (VRL-08526) - Whirlwinded Dot VH14-010-0043
16. S (VRL-00329) - Chicks Fashion GA VH21-052-0081
17. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Marvelous Magic 51 VH16-178-0003
18. k (VRL-10444) - Ravines Mistlesnow VH22-014-0070
19. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Chillstep VH22-133-0022
20. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Nu Chex Chocolate VH22-037-0049
21. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Howland Rin VH21-002-0027
22. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Hippie Colors VH20-081-0003
23. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Mister O Smarty VH22-052-0039
24. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Backeydoodles Ree VH21-002-0026
25. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Sheza Americium VH22-052-0072
26. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin King Stefan VH21-037-0074
27. k (VRL-10444) - Hazardous Work QHA VH22-133-0013
28. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Esuvee VH21-037-0083
29. Tyler Andrews (VRL-10337) - OWR Imaghost VH21-055-0006
30. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Maija Magia VH20-018-0289
31. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Sowi'ngwa VH17-052-0050
32. S (VRL-00329) - Dirty Zack Ion VH20-052-0031
33. S (VRL-00329) - Nevada Gold Ion VH21-052-0091
34. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Pretty Sure Too Cute VH21-052-0117
35. k (VRL-10444) - Forever Hiccup VH22-037-0047
36. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star VH22-037-0017
37. k (VRL-10444) - Monster Song 'DW VH22-133-0052
38. k (VRL-10444) - Speedy Headshot VH21-034-0076
39. k (VRL-10444) - Galaxy Trend 'DW VH22-133-0056
40. S (VRL-00329) - Whata Yuppie GA VH22-052-0002
41. S (VRL-00329) - Mikeno Wadneh ox VH12-003-0820
42. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Bad Moon Paradox VH22-052-0073
43. k (VRL-10444) - Kawaii Metal 'DW VH22-133-0021
44. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Between Barrows VH22-014-0068
45. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Tornadot VH15-010-0316
46. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Trending VH22-014-0046
47. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Content Cop VH22-133-0031
48. k (VRL-10444) - Java War 'DW VH22-133-0038
Luokka 11. Western pleasure, os. 49
1. k (VRL-10444) - Emu War 'DW VH22-014-0047
2. S (VRL-00329) - Sheza Diamond Catcher VH20-052-0020
3. Pierre (VRL-10531) - All-American Ion VH21-014-0166
4. S (VRL-00329) - Wadi Crolowa ox VH15-003-0484
5. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Bellimo Amiral VH22-003-0083
6. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Beneath A Moonless Sky VH21-052-0104
7. S (VRL-00329) - Smoky Sky Ion VH20-052-0013
8. Pierre (VRL-10531) - CHR Classic Jargoon VH21-014-0170
9. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Marvelous Magic 51 VH16-178-0003
10. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Howland Rin VH21-002-0027
11. k (VRL-10444) - Monster Song 'DW VH22-133-0052
12. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Trending VH22-014-0046
13. k (VRL-10444) - Speedy Headshot VH21-034-0076
14. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Coushatta Ion VH15-037-0050
15. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Bel Azeeza ox VH22-218-0003
16. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Cactus Jack VH21-014-0258
17. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Pinerock Altair Flamingo VH18-073-0001
18. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s First Fitna VH22-133-0034
19. Cella (VRL-08526) - Whirlwinded Dot VH14-010-0043
20. k (VRL-10444) - Kawaii Metal 'DW VH22-133-0021
21. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Arkansas Star GA VH20-014-0077
22. S (VRL-00329) - Gimme Credit GA VH22-052-0020
23. S (VRL-00329) - Fanya Werbena VH15-003-0507
24. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Hippie Colors VH20-081-0003
25. k (VRL-10444) - Forever Hiccup VH22-037-0047
26. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Maija Magia VH20-018-0289
27. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Unexpected X VH21-052-0066
28. k (VRL-10444) - Java War 'DW VH22-133-0038
29. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Sowi'ngwa VH17-052-0050
30. k (VRL-10444) - Ravines Mistlesnow VH22-014-0070
31. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Daffidazey 'DW VH21-014-0051
32. S (VRL-00329) - Whata Yooper GA VH21-052-0080
33. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Chillstep VH22-133-0022
34. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Tornadot VH15-010-0316
35. S (VRL-00329) - Zack Dun Ion VH15-052-0021
36. Tyler Andrews (VRL-10337) - OWR Imaghost VH21-055-0006
37. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Content Cop VH22-133-0031
38. k (VRL-10444) - Hazardous Work QHA VH22-133-0013
39. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Snicker Poco Bar VH22-014-0114
40. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Khalicah ox VH21-003-0164
41. k (VRL-10444) - DLH Skyheart Echoes VH22-014-0050
42. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Backeydoodles Ree VH21-002-0026
43. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Between Barrows VH22-014-0068
44. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Esuvee VH21-037-0083
45. k (VRL-10444) - Galaxy Trend 'DW VH22-133-0056
46. S (VRL-00329) - Simply Attracting GA VH21-052-0086
47. Pierre (VRL-10531) - B.B. Immortal Inferni VH21-072-0066
48. S (VRL-00329) - B Connecticutensian Ion VH21-052-0083
49. S (VRL-00329) - Narza Izdihar ox VH15-003-0432
Luokka 12. Barrel racing, os. 49
1. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Pinerock Altair Flamingo VH18-073-0001
2. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s First Fitna VH22-133-0034
3. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Rise Like A Phoenix VH22-014-0059
4. S (VRL-00329) - Out Of Energy Ion VH21-052-0092
5. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Namys Rose Warrior VH19-014-0012
6. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Zahra Nabila VH18-003-0083
7. S (VRL-00329) - Michigoose Ion VH21-052-0090
8. S (VRL-00329) - Sarnia Ion VH21-037-0004
9. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Marvelous Magic 51 VH16-178-0003
10. k (VRL-10444) - Emu War 'DW VH22-014-0047
11. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Anarchy Vs Monarchy VH21-037-0012
12. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Sowi'ngwa VH17-052-0050
13. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Out Of Iowa Ion VH21-052-0107
14. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Dimashk Zaman ox VH15-003-0520
15. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Abu Nadir VH18-003-0176
16. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Between Barrows VH22-014-0068
17. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Win Win Atomity VH21-014-0244
18. k (VRL-10444) - Galaxy Trend 'DW VH22-133-0056
19. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Feeling Like A Monday VH19-014-0010
20. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Chillstep VH22-133-0022
21. k (VRL-10444) - Java War 'DW VH22-133-0038
22. k (VRL-10444) - Ravines Mistlesnow VH22-014-0070
23. S (VRL-00329) - Pink Sunset Boulevard VH19-037-0016
24. k (VRL-10444) - Hazardous Work QHA VH22-133-0013
25. S (VRL-00329) - Time 'N Again Ion VH21-052-0079
26. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Day of Reckoning VH21-014-0041
27. S (VRL-00329) - Out Of Time VH20-052-0019
28. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Content Cop VH22-133-0031
29. k (VRL-10444) - Forever Hiccup VH22-037-0047
30. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Elegant 21 VH20-055-0001
31. S (VRL-00329) - Right Impressive Ion VH21-037-0002
32. Pierre (VRL-10531) - B.B. Sonic Rainboom VH22-014-0111
33. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Hippie Colors VH20-081-0003
34. k (VRL-10444) - Monster Song 'DW VH22-133-0052
35. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Tornadot VH15-010-0316
36. Pierre (VRL-10531) - May Belle 'DW VH21-014-0039
37. S (VRL-00329) - Unreal Reflection GA VH21-052-0074
38. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Duracel Day VH22-014-0020
39. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Death Star ‘DW VH21-133-0070
40. S (VRL-00329) - Pale Lager Ion VH21-179-0004
41. k (VRL-10444) - Speedy Headshot VH21-034-0076
42. Alexiina C. (VRL-02207) - Maija Magia VH20-018-0289
43. S (VRL-00329) - Triggerhappy Annie Ion VH21-052-0093
44. k (VRL-10444) - DLH Skyheart Echoes VH22-014-0050
45. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Trending VH22-014-0046
46. k (VRL-10444) - Kawaii Metal 'DW VH22-133-0021
47. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Flammable Smoke DLHS VH21-052-0067
48. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Funky Moves Cool Grooves VH22-052-0040
49. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rock the Nelly Rin VH21-014-0212
Luokka 13. Pole bending, os. 43
1. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rock the Nelly Rin VH21-014-0212
2. k (VRL-10444) - Strawberry Shake VH22-014-0049
3. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Funky Moves Cool Grooves VH22-052-0040
4. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Pizza Time VH22-133-0053
5. S (VRL-00329) - Out Of Energy Ion VH21-052-0092
6. Pierre (VRL-10531) - B.B. Sonic Rainboom VH22-014-0111
7. k (VRL-10444) - Winds Of Winter ‘DW VH22-133-0008
8. S (VRL-00329) - Out Of Time VH20-052-0019
9. k (VRL-10444) - Dead’s Catnip VH21-133-0156
10. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Duracel Day VH22-014-0020
11. S (VRL-00329) - Sarnia Ion VH21-037-0004
12. S (VRL-00329) - Pale Lager Ion VH21-179-0004
13. S (VRL-00329) - Unreal Reflection GA VH21-052-0074
14. S (VRL-00329) - Time 'N Again Ion VH21-052-0079
15. Pierre (VRL-10531) - May Belle 'DW VH21-014-0039
16. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Win Win Atomity VH21-014-0244
17. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Out Of Iowa Ion VH21-052-0107
18. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Day of Reckoning VH21-014-0041
19. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Trending VH22-014-0046
20. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Namys Rose Warrior VH19-014-0012
21. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Elegant 21 VH20-055-0001
22. k (VRL-10444) - Wizarding War 'DW VH22-133-0044
23. S (VRL-00329) - Right Impressive Ion VH21-037-0002
24. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Anarchy Vs Monarchy VH21-037-0012
25. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Feeling Like A Monday VH19-014-0010
26. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Zahra Nabila VH18-003-0083
27. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Ionian Revolt ‘DW VH22-178-0004
28. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Rum Rebellion VH22-133-0037
29. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Abu Nadir VH18-003-0176
30. S (VRL-00329) - Pink Sunset Boulevard VH19-037-0016
31. k (VRL-10444) - Vanish Gold 'DW VH22-037-0026
32. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Rise Like A Phoenix VH22-014-0059
33. k (VRL-10444) - Youtube Shorts 'DW VH22-133-0029
34. k (VRL-10444) - Math Rock ‘DW VH22-133-0020
35. k (VRL-10444) - Theory Channel 'DW VH22-133-0030
36. S (VRL-00329) - Triggerhappy Annie Ion VH21-052-0093
37. S (VRL-00329) - Michigoose Ion VH21-052-0090
38. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Death Star ‘DW VH21-133-0070
39. k (VRL-10444) - Bugle Call 'DW VH22-034-0009
40. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Togetthesubscribers ‘DW VH22-133-0033
41. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Flammable Smoke DLHS VH21-052-0067
42. k (VRL-10444) - Dead’s Petrolicious VH22-133-0026
43. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Dimashk Zaman ox VH15-003-0520
Luokka 14. Keyhole race, os. 43
1. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Dimashk Zaman ox VH15-003-0520
2. k (VRL-10444) - Wizarding War 'DW VH22-133-0044
3. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rock the Nelly Rin VH21-014-0212
4. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Death Star ‘DW VH21-133-0070
5. Pierre (VRL-10531) - May Belle 'DW VH21-014-0039
6. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Feeling Like A Monday VH19-014-0010
7. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Abu Nadir VH18-003-0176
8. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Ionian Revolt ‘DW VH22-178-0004
9. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Anarchy Vs Monarchy VH21-037-0012
10. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Trending VH22-014-0046
11. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Togetthesubscribers ‘DW VH22-133-0033
12. k (VRL-10444) - Dead’s Catnip VH21-133-0156
13. S (VRL-00329) - Unreal Reflection GA VH21-052-0074
14. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Win Win Atomity VH21-014-0244
15. k (VRL-10444) - Theory Channel 'DW VH22-133-0030
16. Pierre (VRL-10531) - B.B. Sonic Rainboom VH22-014-0111
17. S (VRL-00329) - Right Impressive Ion VH21-037-0002
18. k (VRL-10444) - Math Rock ‘DW VH22-133-0020
19. S (VRL-00329) - Triggerhappy Annie Ion VH21-052-0093
20. S (VRL-00329) - Sarnia Ion VH21-037-0004
21. S (VRL-00329) - Out Of Time VH20-052-0019
22. S (VRL-00329) - Michigoose Ion VH21-052-0090
23. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Rise Like A Phoenix VH22-014-0059
24. k (VRL-10444) - Winds Of Winter ‘DW VH22-133-0008
25. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Rum Rebellion VH22-133-0037
26. k (VRL-10444) - Bugle Call 'DW VH22-034-0009
27. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Out Of Iowa Ion VH21-052-0107
28. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Duracel Day VH22-014-0020
29. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Funky Moves Cool Grooves VH22-052-0040
30. k (VRL-10444) - Vanish Gold 'DW VH22-037-0026
31. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Day of Reckoning VH21-014-0041
32. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Elegant 21 VH20-055-0001
33. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Namys Rose Warrior VH19-014-0012
34. S (VRL-00329) - Time 'N Again Ion VH21-052-0079
35. S (VRL-00329) - Pink Sunset Boulevard VH19-037-0016
36. S (VRL-00329) - Shiny Dun Ion VH15-052-0089
37. S (VRL-00329) - Out Of Energy Ion VH21-052-0092
38. k (VRL-10444) - Strawberry Shake VH22-014-0049
39. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Flammable Smoke DLHS VH21-052-0067
40. k (VRL-10444) - Dead’s Petrolicious VH22-133-0026
41. k (VRL-10444) - Youtube Shorts 'DW VH22-133-0029
42. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Pizza Time VH22-133-0053
43. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Zahra Nabila VH18-003-0083
Luokka 15. Cutting, os. 41
1. k (VRL-10444) - Wizarding War 'DW VH22-133-0044
2. k (VRL-10444) - Theory Channel 'DW VH22-133-0030
3. S (VRL-00329) - Classy Dun Ion VH21-052-0071
4. k (VRL-10444) - Winds Of Winter ‘DW VH22-133-0008
5. k (VRL-10444) - Strawberry Shake VH22-014-0049
6. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Nu Chex Chocolate VH22-037-0049
7. S (VRL-00329) - Zana Smoke Ion VH21-052-0095
8. S (VRL-00329) - Dun 'N Guns Ion VH21-052-0072
9. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Furphy VH21-115-0023
10. S (VRL-00329) - Just Dun Ion VH20-052-0017
11. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Pizza Time VH22-133-0053
12. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Togetthesubscribers ‘DW VH22-133-0033
13. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Pretty Sure Too Cute VH21-052-0117
14. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Few Roos Loose VH21-115-0028
15. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Enough Iowa Ion VH20-052-0011
16. k (VRL-10444) - Dead’s Catnip VH21-133-0156
17. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Ionian Revolt ‘DW VH22-178-0004
18. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Myra Maybelle Hazard VH21-014-0030
19. S (VRL-00329) - Paint Me Sweet GA VH21-052-0082
20. S (VRL-00329) - Pink Shes Impressive VH19-037-0014
21. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Duracel Day VH22-014-0020
22. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Rum Rebellion VH22-133-0037
23. S (VRL-00329) - Burn Some Bucks Ion VH18-052-0001
24. S (VRL-00329) - Smoky Blue Lena Ion VH21-052-0094
25. k (VRL-10444) - Dead’s Petrolicious VH22-133-0026
26. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Mister O Smarty VH22-052-0039
27. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Bogan Hunter VH21-115-0026
28. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Bejeweled Jade VH22-014-0113
29. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star VH22-037-0017
30. Pierre (VRL-10531) - King Cannot Checkmate VH21-014-0246
31. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Trending VH22-014-0046
32. k (VRL-10444) - Bugle Call 'DW VH22-034-0009
33. k (VRL-10444) - Youtube Shorts 'DW VH22-133-0029
34. k (VRL-10444) - Vanish Gold 'DW VH22-037-0026
35. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Cyan Colored Skye VH22-052-0045
36. S (VRL-00329) - Lady California Ion VH21-052-0089
37. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Bad Moon Paradox VH22-052-0073
38. S (VRL-00329) - Smoke 'N Guns DLHS VH18-052-0002
39. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Sheza Americium VH22-052-0072
40. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Winston Winston VH21-115-0021
41. k (VRL-10444) - Math Rock ‘DW VH22-133-0020
Luokka 16. Reined cow horse, os. 32
1. k (VRL-10444) - Bugle Call 'DW VH22-034-0009
2. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Furphy VH21-115-0023
3. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Togetthesubscribers ‘DW VH22-133-0033
4. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Bogan Hunter VH21-115-0026
5. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Pizza Time VH22-133-0053
6. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Rum Rebellion VH22-133-0037
7. k (VRL-10444) - Dead’s Petrolicious VH22-133-0026
8. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Winston Winston VH21-115-0021
9. k (VRL-10444) - Dead’s Catnip VH21-133-0156
10. k (VRL-10444) - Vanish Gold 'DW VH22-037-0026
11. k (VRL-10444) - Wizarding War 'DW VH22-133-0044
12. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Nevada Wife VH21-014-0101
13. k (VRL-10444) - Math Rock ‘DW VH22-133-0020
14. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Ionian Revolt ‘DW VH22-178-0004
15. S (VRL-00329) - Fancy Blue Lena Ion VH20-052-0016
16. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - KS Courdelaire VH18-003-0134
17. k (VRL-10444) - Theory Channel 'DW VH22-133-0030
18. S (VRL-00329) - Fancy Blue Hour Ion VH21-052-0087
19. S (VRL-00329) - Smoky Blue Lena Ion VH21-052-0094
20. S (VRL-00329) - Fancy Zack Ion VH21-052-0073
21. S (VRL-00329) - Lady California Ion VH21-052-0089
22. S (VRL-00329) - Dun 'N Guns Ion VH21-052-0072
23. k (VRL-10444) - Youtube Shorts 'DW VH22-133-0029
24. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Duracel Day VH22-014-0020
25. k (VRL-10444) - Strawberry Shake VH22-014-0049
26. k (VRL-10444) - Winds Of Winter ‘DW VH22-133-0008
27. S (VRL-00329) - Classy Dun Ion VH21-052-0071
28. S (VRL-00329) - Lady Carolina Ion VH20-052-0034
29. S (VRL-00329) - Just Dun Ion VH20-052-0017
30. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Trending VH22-014-0046
31. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Few Roos Loose VH21-115-0028
32. S (VRL-00329) - Paint Me Sweet GA VH21-052-0082
Luokka 17. Breakaway roping, os. 31
1. S (VRL-00329) - Dun 'N Guns Ion VH21-052-0072
2. k (VRL-10444) - Winds Of Winter ‘DW VH22-133-0008
3. k (VRL-10444) - Dead’s Catnip VH21-133-0156
4. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Ionian Revolt ‘DW VH22-178-0004
5. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Winston Winston VH21-115-0021
6. S (VRL-00329) - Lady California Ion VH21-052-0089
7. S (VRL-00329) - Paint Me Sweet GA VH21-052-0082
8. k (VRL-10444) - Bugle Call 'DW VH22-034-0009
9. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Traeth Mocha VH21-002-0020
10. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Pizza Time VH22-133-0053
11. k (VRL-10444) - Theory Channel 'DW VH22-133-0030
12. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Panda VH21-014-0261
13. S (VRL-00329) - Just Dun Ion VH20-052-0017
14. S (VRL-00329) - B Connecticutensian Ion VH21-052-0083
15. k (VRL-10444) - Wizarding War 'DW VH22-133-0044
16. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Togetthesubscribers ‘DW VH22-133-0033
17. S (VRL-00329) - Smoky Blue Lena Ion VH21-052-0094
18. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Rum Rebellion VH22-133-0037
19. S (VRL-00329) - Lady Be Bad Ion VH20-052-0018
20. k (VRL-10444) - Youtube Shorts 'DW VH22-133-0029
21. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dead’s Trending VH22-014-0046
22. k (VRL-10444) - Vanish Gold 'DW VH22-037-0026
23. k (VRL-10444) - Math Rock ‘DW VH22-133-0020
24. Katariina A. (VRL-13828) - Duracel Day VH22-014-0020
25. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Murdering Mike Ion VH21-037-0066
26. k (VRL-10444) - Dead’s Petrolicious VH22-133-0026
27. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Ima Golden God Ion VH21-014-0222
28. S (VRL-00329) - Sweetiepie O'Hara VH20-052-0035
29. k (VRL-10444) - Strawberry Shake VH22-014-0049
30. S (VRL-00329) - Classy Dun Ion VH21-052-0071
31. S (VRL-00329) - It's Just Money Ion VH20-052-0033