Luokka 1. Halter, os. 38
1. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Radiate Only Rin VH23-014-0150
2. S (VRL-00329) - Klondike River Ion VH21-014-0122
3. Mäni (VRL-14905) – OWR Quahneah VH23-052-0003
4. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Belmont Northdance VH13-052-0041
5. S (VRL-00329) - Ivy Abbie GA VH20-014-0119
6. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Fall For Faline VH23-014-0152
7. S (VRL-00329) - Paint Me Gray Ion VH23-052-0015
8. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Llygedyn Hwdwch VH21-026-0015
9. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Badger VH23-052-0073
10. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Ponipalleron Fauni VH20-028-0152
11. Tyler Andrews (VRL-10337) - Blueprint Dove VH22-055-0008
12. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Sonoras Star Gun VH23-014-0249
13. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Catrin VH22-052-0098
14. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Angelus Ludum VH22-037-0054
15. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Fame's Venus VH21-029-0019
16. S (VRL-00329) - Up 'N Away Ion VH21-014-0124
17. S (VRL-00329) - B Double Ion VH18-014-0021
18. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Flameruby VH23-037-0062
19. S (VRL-00329) - Sheza Last Attraction GA VH22-052-0071
20. Tyler Andrews (VRL-10337) - Oldwood's Mossy Bear VH23-102-0059
21. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Glenwood Caramel Latte VH21-022-0013
22. Mäni (VRL-14905) – Arktik VH18-060-0006
23. S (VRL-00329) - Another Rude Ransom GA VH20-014-0117
24. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Ponipalleron Odessa VH20-017-0096
25. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Hwiangerdd VH21-026-0098
26. S (VRL-00329) - B Bluestocking Ion VH23-014-0023
27. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Hayley VH21-011-0043
28. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Narri frá Tolva VH20-030-0093
29. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Nice Tin Foil Hat Rin VH21-014-0269
30. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Starlight from Down Under VH22-115-0016
31. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Belmont Wildheart VH13-014-0053
32. S (VRL-00329) - Radiostar Ion VH23-014-0029
33. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Sancho Cirica VH22-133-0108
34. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Iwillthinkaboutit Thrill VH20-031-0100
35. S (VRL-00329) - Mix Money N Love GA VH20-014-0078
36. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - PP's Tamkje VH19-040-0003
37. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dawson Springs Rin VH22-014-0078
38. Tyler Andrews (VRL-10337) - Starlight Dove VH23-052-0126
Luokka 2. Halter showmanship os. 36
1. S (VRL-00329) - Klondike River Ion VH21-014-0122
2. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Glenwood Caramel Latte VH21-022-0013
3. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Catrin VH22-052-0098
4. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Belmont Northdance VH13-052-0041
5. Tyler Andrews (VRL-10337) - Starlight Dove VH23-052-0126
6. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Hwiangerdd VH21-026-0098
7. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Fame's Venus VH21-029-0019
8. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Fall For Faline VH23-014-0152
9. S (VRL-00329) - B Bluestocking Ion VH23-014-0023
10. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Narri frá Tolva VH20-030-0093
11. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Iwillthinkaboutit Thrill VH20-031-0100
12. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Llygedyn Hwdwch VH21-026-0015
13. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Ponipalleron Fauni VH20-028-0152
14. S (VRL-00329) - Sheza Last Attraction GA VH22-052-0071
15. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Angelus Ludum VH22-037-0054
16. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Flameruby VH23-037-0062
17. S (VRL-00329) - B Double Ion VH18-014-0021
18. S (VRL-00329) - Ivy Abbie GA VH20-014-0119
19. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Sonoras Star Gun VH23-014-0249
20. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Ponipalleron Odessa VH20-017-0096
21. Tyler Andrews (VRL-10337) - Oldwood's Mossy Bear VH23-102-0059
22. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Radiate Only Rin VH23-014-0150
23. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Sancho Cirica VH22-133-0108
24. S (VRL-00329) - Paint Me Gray Ion VH23-052-0015
25. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Starlight from Down Under VH22-115-0016
26. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Belmont Wildheart VH13-014-0053
27. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Hayley VH21-011-0043
28. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dawson Springs Rin VH22-014-0078
29. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Nice Tin Foil Hat Rin VH21-014-0269
30. S (VRL-00329) - Mix Money N Love GA VH20-014-0078
31. S (VRL-00329) - Up 'N Away Ion VH21-014-0124
32. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Badger VH23-052-0073
33. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - PP's Tamkje VH19-040-0003
34. Tyler Andrews (VRL-10337) - Blueprint Dove VH22-055-0008
35. S (VRL-00329) - Radiostar Ion VH23-014-0029
36. S (VRL-00329) - Whata Bstrd GA VH22-052-0070
Luokka 3. Trail-in-hand, os. 37
1. S (VRL-00329) - Radiostar Ion VH23-014-0029
2. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Fall For Faline VH23-014-0152
3. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Hwiangerdd VH21-026-0098
4. Tyler Andrews (VRL-10337) - Blueprint Dove VH22-055-0008
5. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Nice Tin Foil Hat Rin VH21-014-0269
6. S (VRL-00329) - B Congaree Ion VH23-052-0004
7. S (VRL-00329) - Whata Yuppie GA VH22-052-0002
8. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Angelus Ludum VH22-037-0054
9. S (VRL-00329) - B Just Fine Ion VH23-014-0015
10. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Ponipalleron Fauni VH20-028-0152
11. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Radiate Only Rin VH23-014-0150
12. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dawson Springs Rin VH22-014-0078
13. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Belmont Northdance VH13-052-0041
14. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Catrin VH22-052-0098
15. S (VRL-00329) - Girl Unreal Ion VH23-052-0013
16. Tyler Andrews (VRL-10337) - Starlight Dove VH23-052-0126
17. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Sancho Cirica VH22-133-0108
18. S (VRL-00329) - Chicks Fashion GA VH21-052-0081
19. S (VRL-00329) - Mister Fashion Designer 329 VH23-052-0007
20. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Glenwood Caramel Latte VH21-022-0013
21. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - PP's Tamkje VH19-040-0003
22. S (VRL-00329) - B Bluestocking Ion VH23-014-0023
23. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Belmont Wildheart VH13-014-0053
24. S (VRL-00329) - Paint Me Gray Ion VH23-052-0015
25. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Ponipalleron Odessa VH20-017-0096
26. Tyler Andrews (VRL-10337) - Oldwood's Mossy Bear VH23-102-0059
27. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Hayley VH21-011-0043
28. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Sonoras Star Gun VH23-014-0249
29. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Badger VH23-052-0073
30. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Llygedyn Hwdwch VH21-026-0015
31. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Iwillthinkaboutit Thrill VH20-031-0100
32. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Starlight from Down Under VH22-115-0016
33. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Fame's Venus VH21-029-0019
34. Harper MacDonald (VRL-14901) - Little Bit VH22-102-0049
35. S (VRL-00329) - Nevada Gold Ion VH21-052-0091
36. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Narri frá Tolva VH20-030-0093
37. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Flameruby VH23-037-0062
Luokka 4. Reining, os. 48
1. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Ps. Pidä Tunkkis VH23-018-0287
2. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Belmont Wildheart VH13-014-0053
3. S (VRL-00329) - Lady Be Tough Ion VH21-052-0088
4. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Dixie Dee VH23-014-0213
5. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Belmont Fandago VH13-052-0039
6. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Jeral Coranger VH18-014-0061
7. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Texas Dirty VH23-014-0210
8. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Elk Dog VH22-014-0004
9. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - P.L. Bilekasino VH20-018-0658
10. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Yömyssy VH22-018-0806
11. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Kadon Radikaali VH21-018-0027
12. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Splash Cash VH23-052-0109
13. Mäni (VRL-14905) – OWR Quahneah VH23-052-0003
14. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Tinasotamies VH21-018-1305
15. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Wolf Creek Rellau VH22-037-0003
16. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Hakkapeliitta VH22-018-0585
17. S (VRL-00329) - Classy And Exclusive Ion VH21-052-0084
18. S (VRL-00329) - Sonofabtch GA VH21-052-0078
19. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Beauty Gun VH23-014-0212
20. S (VRL-00329) - Lucky Lonestar Ion VH23-014-0016
21. S (VRL-00329) - Sonofachick Ion VH23-052-0009
22. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Trust The Soul VH23-052-0110
23. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Kielokummun Elämänpuu VH21-018-1115
24. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Texas Sweetie VH23-014-0211
25. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Buzzton Rin VH22-014-0073
26. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Not Easy Bryan VH23-052-0108
27. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Belmont Red Coral VH14-014-0005
28. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Golden Game VH23-014-0208
29. S (VRL-00329) - Sweet Btch GA VH22-052-0019
30. S (VRL-00329) - Arizona Diamonds Ion VH21-014-0015
31. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Crampton Schuffelen VH20-115-0018
32. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Belstaff Lind VH21-014-0245
33. S (VRL-00329) - Heza Last Chance GA VH22-052-0003
34. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Sussex Sunlight WCR VH22-014-0015
35. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Brion VH22-052-0058
36. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Little Nuts VH22-052-0052
37. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Docs Fever VH23-014-0206
38. titiuu (VRL-10361) - We Ride Again VH22-014-0162
39. Sartza (VRL-11260) - All Shot Stars VH23-014-0247
40. Mäni (VRL-14905) – Akronia VH20-102-0032
41. titiuu (VRL-10361) - My Man Rin VH22-133-0061
42. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Ps. Terveisiä Tuonelasta VH22-018-0623
43. Mäni (VRL-14905) – Arktik VH18-060-0006
44. S (VRL-00329) - Colorado Doll Ion VH23-014-0024
45. S (VRL-00329) - Mr Big N Perfect Ion VH23-014-0019
46. Marjahilla (VRL-14810) - Smoking Hot Booty VH23-055-0003
47. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Tick Tock Daddy VH23-014-0209
48. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Wolf Creek Knockdown VH22-037-0004
Luokka 5. Freestyle reining, os. 34
1. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Yömyssy VH22-018-0806
2. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Buzzton Rin VH22-014-0073
3. S (VRL-00329) - Colorado Doll Ion VH23-014-0024
4. S (VRL-00329) - Lady Be Tough Ion VH21-052-0088
5. titiuu (VRL-10361) - We Ride Again VH22-014-0162
6. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Belmont Fandago VH13-052-0039
7. S (VRL-00329) - Classy And Exclusive Ion VH21-052-0084
8. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Wolf Creek Rellau VH22-037-0003
9. Sartza (VRL-11260) - All Shot Stars VH23-014-0247
10. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Jeral Coranger VH18-014-0061
11. S (VRL-00329) - Sweet Btch GA VH22-052-0019
12. S (VRL-00329) - Mr Big N Perfect Ion VH23-014-0019
13. S (VRL-00329) - Sonofabtch GA VH21-052-0078
14. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Belmont Wildheart VH13-014-0053
15. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Brion VH22-052-0058
16. S (VRL-00329) - Lucky Lonestar Ion VH23-014-0016
17. S (VRL-00329) - Arizona Diamonds Ion VH21-014-0015
18. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Belstaff Lind VH21-014-0245
19. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Kadon Radikaali VH21-018-0027
20. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Wolf Creek Knockdown VH22-037-0004
21. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - P.L. Bilekasino VH20-018-0658
22. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Ps. Terveisiä Tuonelasta VH22-018-0623
23. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Kielokummun Elämänpuu VH21-018-1115
24. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Little Nuts VH22-052-0052
25. S (VRL-00329) - Sonofachick Ion VH23-052-0009
26. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Tinasotamies VH21-018-1305
27. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Crampton Schuffelen VH20-115-0018
28. S (VRL-00329) - Heza Last Chance GA VH22-052-0003
29. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Sussex Sunlight WCR VH22-014-0015
30. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Elk Dog VH22-014-0004
31. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Hakkapeliitta VH22-018-0585
32. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Belmont Red Coral VH14-014-0005
33. titiuu (VRL-10361) - My Man Rin VH22-133-0061
34. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Ps. Pidä Tunkkis VH23-018-0287
Luokka 6. Versatile horse, os. 35
1. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin B Zippin VH23-014-0054
2. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Namys Nightmare Realm VH18-014-0126
3. S (VRL-00329) - Lil Jolene Ion VH23-014-0027
4. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Tex Willer VH22-014-0104
5. S (VRL-00329) - Taktik Cobeh ox VH21-003-0059
6. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Bufflehead Rin VH22-014-0071
7. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Kadon Radikaali VH21-018-0027
8. S (VRL-00329) - Taktik Ataullah ox VH21-003-0085
9. S (VRL-00329) - Qismah Jilana ox VH15-003-0446
10. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Creeping Charlie Rin VH21-037-0086
11. S (VRL-00329) - Heza Last Chance GA VH22-052-0003
12. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Lucky Tex Ion VH21-014-0223
13. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Fabulous Gold Rose VH13-014-0053
14. S (VRL-00329) - Capitol Reef Ion VH23-052-0012
15. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Hakkapeliitta VH22-018-0585
16. S (VRL-00329) - Creole Lena Ion VH23-014-0025
17. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Home Is Gold Rin VH22-014-0086
18. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Ps. Pidä Tunkkis VH23-018-0287
19. S (VRL-00329) - Fanya Altaira ox VH15-003-0403
20. S (VRL-00329) - Aziza Zyam ox VH12-003-0139
21. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Sonora Liz Vega VH18-14-0136
22. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - P.L. Bilekasino VH20-018-0658
23. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Kielokummun Elämänpuu VH21-018-1115
24. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Yömyssy VH22-018-0806
25. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Cheating Cheater Who Cheats VH21-014-0083
26. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Wee One Rin VH22-014-0159
27. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Ps. Terveisiä Tuonelasta VH22-018-0623
28. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Hipparionini ‘DW VH21-014-0262
29. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Crampton Schuffelen VH20-115-0018
30. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Solidago Summer Twist VH18-014-0128
31. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Sure Smoke Trick VH18-014-0062
32. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Bellimo Azhar VH21-003-0025
33. S (VRL-00329) - Taktik Ilham ox VH21-003-0066
34. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Tinasotamies VH21-018-1305
35. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Abracadabra’s Aphrogita VH22-037-0053
Luokka 7. Western riding, os. 39
1. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Yömyssy VH22-018-0806
2. Mäni (VRL-14905) – Akronia VH20-102-0032
3. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Solidago Summer Twist VH18-014-0128
4. S (VRL-00329) - Nevada Gold Ion VH21-052-0091
5. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Bellimo Azhar VH21-003-0025
6. S (VRL-00329) - Sheza Diamond Catcher VH20-052-0020
7. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Crampton Schuffelen VH20-115-0018
8. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dear Annie Rin VH22-014-0040
9. Mäni (VRL-14905) – OWR Quahneah VH23-052-0003
10. S (VRL-00329) - Time 'N Again Ion VH21-052-0079
11. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Hakkapeliitta VH22-018-0585
12. S (VRL-00329) - Sheza Lil Star GA VH21-052-0075
13. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Follow The Hope WCR VH22-014-0017
14. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Little Sure Shot Rin VH21-014-0217
15. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Tinasotamies VH21-018-1305
16. titiuu (VRL-10361) - No No No VH22-014-0039
17. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - P.L. Bilekasino VH20-018-0658
18. S (VRL-00329) - Fancy Blue Hour Ion VH21-052-0087
19. S (VRL-00329) - Royal Blue Ion VH21-052-0077
20. S (VRL-00329) - Traveler In Time Ion VH23-052-0010
21. S (VRL-00329) - Buffalo Bill Ion VH21-014-0121
22. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Lottie Da VH22-002-0030
23. Harper MacDonald (VRL-14901) - Little Bit VH22-102-0049
24. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Namys Nightmare Realm VH18-014-0126
25. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Ps. Pidä Tunkkis VH23-018-0287
26. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Kadon Radikaali VH21-018-0027
27. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Sure Smoke Trick VH18-014-0062
28. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Gold Fever Rin VH22-014-0081
29. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Sonora Liz Vega VH18-14-0136
30. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Fabulous Gold Rose VH13-014-0053
31. S (VRL-00329) - Union Mode Ion VH23-052-0016
32. S (VRL-00329) - B Just Fine Ion VH23-014-0015
33. titiuu (VRL-10361) - No Thanks Given Rin VH21-014-0274
34. Mäni (VRL-14905) – Arktik VH18-060-0006
35. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Ps. Terveisiä Tuonelasta VH22-018-0623
36. titiuu (VRL-10361) - O’My VH23-014-0133
37. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Really Dirty Joke VH22-052-0015
38. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Cristopher Rin VH22-037-0030
39. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Kielokummun Elämänpuu VH21-018-1115
Luokka 8. Western horsemanship, os. 38
1. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Miss Stockings VH22-014-0014
2. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Fabulous Gold Rose VH13-014-0053
3. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Kadon Radikaali VH21-018-0027
4. S (VRL-00329) - Navajo Royalty GA VH20-014-0120
5. Harper MacDonald (VRL-14901) - Little Bit VH22-102-0049
6. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - P.L. Bilekasino VH20-018-0658
7. S (VRL-00329) - Maggie Wild Ion VH21-014-0188
8. Marjahilla (VRL-14810) - Smoking Hot Booty VH23-055-0003
9. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Ps. Terveisiä Tuonelasta VH22-018-0623
10. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Namys Nightmare Realm VH18-014-0126
11. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Far Far Away Rin VH21-002-0029
12. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Ready for Scares Rin VH22-133-0057
13. S (VRL-00329) - Another Bonnie Blue Ion VH20-014-0121
14. S (VRL-00329) - Old West Saloon Girl VH23-014-0033
15. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Solidago Summer Twist VH18-014-0128
16. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Battlemoon VH22-133-0059
17. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Yömyssy VH22-018-0806
18. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Kielokummun Elämänpuu VH21-018-1115
19. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Ps. Pidä Tunkkis VH23-018-0287
20. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Bellimo Azhar VH21-003-0025
21. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Fairford VH22-002-0017
22. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Tinasotamies VH21-018-1305
23. S (VRL-00329) - Riww Morda ox VH21-003-0078
24. S (VRL-00329) - Thaz Shu Mai ox VH21-003-0081
25. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Sure Smoke Trick VH18-014-0062
26. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Spirit’s Reflection VH21-014-0265
27. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Crampton Schuffelen VH20-115-0018
28. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Hakkapeliitta VH22-018-0585
29. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Stefcia Rin VH21-037-0087
30. S (VRL-00329) - Abriko Nisri ox VH15-003-0377
31. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Gertrude Rin VH22-002-0015
32. S (VRL-00329) - Whata Bstrd GA VH22-052-0070
33. Mäni (VRL-14905) – Akronia VH20-102-0032
34. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Sonora Liz Vega VH18-14-0136
35. S (VRL-00329) - Thaz Elaenia ox VH21-003-0083
36. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Lucky to be Lucky VH22-052-0030
37. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Timesaver VH21-014-0218
38. S (VRL-00329) - Solanka Khaled Nelis ox VH20-003-0042
Luokka 9. Western trail, os. 51
1. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Purple Storm Rin VH21-037-0070
2. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Kielokummun Elämänpuu VH21-018-1115
3. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - P.L. Bilekasino VH20-018-0658
4. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Kadon Radikaali VH21-018-0027
5. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Sonora Liz Vega VH18-14-0136
6. S (VRL-00329) - Solanka Viktoriya ox VH15-003-0263
7. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Sonoras Star Gun VH23-014-0249
8. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Texas Dirty VH23-014-0210
9. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Sure Smoke Trick VH18-014-0062
10. S (VRL-00329) - B Congaree Ion VH23-052-0004
11. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Odd Man Out VH22-037-0032
12. Harper MacDonald (VRL-14901) - Little Bit VH22-102-0049
13. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Golden Game VH23-014-0208
14. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Ps. Pidä Tunkkis VH23-018-0287
15. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Little Sure Shot Rin VH21-014-0217
16. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Nierika VH22-052-0012
17. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Splash Cash VH23-052-0109
18. S (VRL-00329) - Taktik Wahdani ox VH21-003-0088
19. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Ps. Terveisiä Tuonelasta VH22-018-0623
20. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Hakkapeliitta VH22-018-0585
21. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Speedy Twinkles VH22-052-0063
22. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Jeral Coranger VH18-014-0061
23. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Dixie Dee VH23-014-0213
24. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Beauty Gun VH23-014-0212
25. S (VRL-00329) - Sugarsweet Hazard VH20-014-0113
26. Mäni (VRL-14905) – OWR Quahneah VH23-052-0003
27. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Tinasotamies VH21-018-1305
28. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Solidago Summer Twist VH18-014-0128
29. S (VRL-00329) - Chicks Fashion GA VH21-052-0081
30. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Bellimo Azhar VH21-003-0025
31. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Not Easy Bryan VH23-052-0108
32. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Namys Nightmare Realm VH18-014-0126
33. S (VRL-00329) - Girl Unreal Ion VH23-052-0013
34. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Smiles VH22-052-0006
35. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Fabulous Gold Rose VH13-014-0053
36. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Trust The Soul VH23-052-0110
37. S (VRL-00329) - Nevada Gold Ion VH21-052-0091
38. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Texas Sweetie VH23-014-0211
39. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Docs Fever VH23-014-0206
40. Mäni (VRL-14905) – Arktik VH18-060-0006
41. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Crampton Schuffelen VH20-115-0018
42. S (VRL-00329) - B Twice Over Ion VH21-014-0119
43. S (VRL-00329) - Mister Fashion Designer 329 VH23-052-0007
44. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Tick Tock Daddy VH23-014-0209
45. Veera R. (VRL-10735) - Yömyssy VH22-018-0806
46. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Abracadabra’s Aphrogita VH22-037-0053
47. Mäni (VRL-14905) – Akronia VH20-102-0032
48. titiuu (VRL-10361) - More To Story Rin VH21-037-0063
49. titiuu (VRL-10361) - More Purple Rin VH22-037-0027
50. S (VRL-00329) - Whata Yuppie GA VH22-052-0002
51. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Eeny Weeny Rin VH22-014-0085
Luokka 10. Ranch trail, os. 30
1. S (VRL-00329) - Girl Unreal Ion VH23-052-0013
2. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Sonoras Star Gun VH23-014-0249
3. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Sure Smoke Trick VH18-014-0062
4. S (VRL-00329) - Whata Yuppie GA VH22-052-0002
5. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Eeny Weeny Rin VH22-014-0085
6. S (VRL-00329) - Chicks Fashion GA VH21-052-0081
7. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Purple Storm Rin VH21-037-0070
8. titiuu (VRL-10361) - More To Story Rin VH21-037-0063
9. S (VRL-00329) - Taktik Wahdani ox VH21-003-0088
10. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Jeral Coranger VH18-014-0061
11. S (VRL-00329) - B Congaree Ion VH23-052-0004
12. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Nierika VH22-052-0012
13. S (VRL-00329) - B Just Fine Ion VH23-014-0015
14. titiuu (VRL-10361) - More Purple Rin VH22-037-0027
15. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Odd Man Out VH22-037-0032
16. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Speedy Twinkles VH22-052-0063
17. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Little Sure Shot Rin VH21-014-0217
18. S (VRL-00329) - Buffalo Bill Ion VH21-014-0121
19. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Namys Nightmare Realm VH18-014-0126
20. S (VRL-00329) - Mister Fashion Designer 329 VH23-052-0007
21. Mäni (VRL-14905) – Akronia VH20-102-0032
22. Harper MacDonald (VRL-14901) - Little Bit VH22-102-0049
23. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Bellimo Azhar VH21-003-0025
24. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Smiles VH22-052-0006
25. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Solidago Summer Twist VH18-014-0128
26. S (VRL-00329) - Solanka Viktoriya ox VH15-003-0263
27. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Sonora Liz Vega VH18-14-0136
28. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Abracadabra’s Aphrogita VH22-037-0053
29. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Fabulous Gold Rose VH13-014-0053
30. S (VRL-00329) - Sugarsweet Hazard VH20-014-0113
Luokka 11. Western pleasure, os. 30
1. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Follow The Hope WCR VH22-014-0017
2. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Kristopher Rin VH22-037-0029
3. S (VRL-00329) - Apparition In Haze Ion VH23-014-0014
4. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin It’s A Bird VH21-014-0204
5. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Jeral Coranger VH18-014-0061
6. S (VRL-00329) - Whata Yooper GA VH21-052-0080
7. S (VRL-00329) - Lac La Belle Ion VH23-052-0014
8. S (VRL-00329) - Old West Saloon Girl VH23-014-0033
9. S (VRL-00329) - Fanya Werbena VH15-003-0507
10. Marjahilla (VRL-14810) - Smoking Hot Booty VH23-055-0003
11. S (VRL-00329) - Simply Attracting GA VH21-052-0086
12. S (VRL-00329) - Bourbon Barrel Ion VH23-052-0006
13. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Namys Nightmare Realm VH18-014-0126
14. Harper MacDonald (VRL-14901) - Little Bit VH22-102-0049
15. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Really Dirty Joke VH22-052-0015
16. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Dear Annie Rin VH22-014-0040
17. S (VRL-00329) - B Connecticutensian Ion VH21-052-0083
18. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Bellimo Azhar VH21-003-0025
19. titiuu (VRL-10361) - No No No VH22-014-0039
20. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Solidago Summer Twist VH18-014-0128
21. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Sonoras Star Gun VH23-014-0249
22. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Fabulous Gold Rose VH13-014-0053
23. S (VRL-00329) - Gimme Credit GA VH22-052-0020
24. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Coushatta Ion VH15-037-0050
25. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Cristopher Rin VH22-037-0030
26. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Sure Smoke Trick VH18-014-0062
27. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Gold Fever Rin VH22-014-0081
28. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin It’s Jenny VH22-01-0072
29. S (VRL-00329) - Sheza Diamond Catcher VH20-052-0020
30. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Sonora Liz Vega VH18-14-0136
Luokka 12. Barrel racing, os. 37
1. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Dixie Dee VH23-014-0213
2. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Tick Tock Daddy VH23-014-0209
3. S (VRL-00329) - Unreal Reflection GA VH21-052-0074
4. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Texas Dirty VH23-014-0210
5. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Texas Sweetie VH23-014-0211
6. Mäni (VRL-14905) – Akronia VH20-102-0032
7. Mäni (VRL-14905) – OWR Quahneah VH23-052-0003
8. S (VRL-00329) - Tap Dun Ion VH23-014-0021
9. Susan Moss (VRL-14901) - Wakope VH23-037-0075
10. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Golden Game VH23-014-0208
11. S (VRL-00329) - Paint Me Unreal Ion VH23-052-0008
12. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Paragons Gettin Even VH21-037-0099
13. S (VRL-00329) - B Twice Over Ion VH21-014-0119
14. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Awhi LH VH22-002-0034
15. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Splash Cash VH23-052-0109
16. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Not Easy Bryan VH23-052-0108
17. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Gun Star Vito VH18-014-0127
18. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Trust The Soul VH23-052-0110
19. S (VRL-00329) - Michigoose Ion VH21-052-0090
20. S (VRL-00329) - Out Of Energy Ion VH21-052-0092
21. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Tex Willer VH22-014-0104
22. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Still Caring VH22-052-0054
23. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Paragons Sabotage Serie VH21-051-0125
24. S (VRL-00329) - Manitou Ion VH23-014-0018
25. S (VRL-00329) - Zack The Bartender 329 VH23-052-0011
26. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Hey Queen Rin VH22-014-0027
27. S (VRL-00329) - Triggerhappy Annie Ion VH21-052-0093
28. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Bufflehead Rin VH22-014-0071
29. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Viral In London VH22-002-0011
30. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Very Fancy Rin VH22-037-0031
31. Marjahilla (VRL-14810) - Smoking Hot Booty VH23-055-0003
32. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Monday Madness Rin VH22-014-0074
33. S (VRL-00329) - Klondike River Ion VH21-014-0122
34. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Roadcatch VH23-014-0207
35. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Belmont Fandago VH13-052-0039
36. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Docs Fever VH23-014-0206
37. Mäni (VRL-14905) – Arktik VH18-060-0006
Luokka 13. Pole bending, os. 23
1. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Monday Madness Rin VH22-014-0074
2. S (VRL-00329) - Triggerhappy Annie Ion VH21-052-0093
3. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Awhi LH VH22-002-0034
4. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Hey Queen Rin VH22-014-0027
5. S (VRL-00329) - Unreal Reflection GA VH21-052-0074
6. S (VRL-00329) - Tap Dun Ion VH23-014-0021
7. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Still Caring VH22-052-0054
8. Susan Moss (VRL-14901) - Wakope VH23-037-0075
9. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Belmont Fandago VH13-052-0039
10. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Very Fancy Rin VH22-037-0031
11. S (VRL-00329) - Paint Me Unreal Ion VH23-052-0008
12. S (VRL-00329) - Out Of Energy Ion VH21-052-0092
13. S (VRL-00329) - Time 'N Again Ion VH21-052-0079
14. S (VRL-00329) - Hajrah al Parag ox VH21-034-0047
15. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Tex Willer VH22-014-0104
16. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Paragons Sabotage Serie VH21-051-0125
17. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Paragons Gettin Even VH21-037-0099
18. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Bufflehead Rin VH22-014-0071
19. S (VRL-00329) - Zack The Bartender 329 VH23-052-0011
20. S (VRL-00329) - Michigoose Ion VH21-052-0090
21. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Gun Star Vito VH18-014-0127
22. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Viral In London VH22-002-0011
23. S (VRL-00329) - Manitou Ion VH23-014-0018
Luokka 14. Keyhole race, os. 23
1. S (VRL-00329) - Time 'N Again Ion VH21-052-0079
2. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Still Caring VH22-052-0054
3. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Belmont Fandago VH13-052-0039
4. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Hey Queen Rin VH22-014-0027
5. S (VRL-00329) - Unreal Reflection GA VH21-052-0074
6. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Paragons Gettin Even VH21-037-0099
7. Susan Moss (VRL-14901) - Wakope VH23-037-0075
8. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Gun Star Vito VH18-014-0127
9. S (VRL-00329) - Paint Me Unreal Ion VH23-052-0008
10. S (VRL-00329) - Manitou Ion VH23-014-0018
11. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Bufflehead Rin VH22-014-0071
12. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Paragons Sabotage Serie VH21-051-0125
13. S (VRL-00329) - B Twice Over Ion VH21-014-0119
14. S (VRL-00329) - Hajrah al Parag ox VH21-034-0047
15. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Very Fancy Rin VH22-037-0031
16. S (VRL-00329) - Michigoose Ion VH21-052-0090
17. S (VRL-00329) - Zack The Bartender 329 VH23-052-0011
18. S (VRL-00329) - Out Of Energy Ion VH21-052-0092
19. S (VRL-00329) - Tap Dun Ion VH23-014-0021
20. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Viral In London VH22-002-0011
21. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Tex Willer VH22-014-0104
22. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Awhi LH VH22-002-0034
23. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Monday Madness Rin VH22-014-0074
Luokka 15. Cutting, os. 38
1. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Turmoil VH22-037-0010
2. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Docs Fever VH23-014-0206
3. S (VRL-00329) - Bar Gun Fight Ion VH23-052-0005
4. S (VRL-00329) - Magnum Bullet Ion VH23-014-0017
5. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Frost Pond VH22-037-0016
6. Susan Moss (VRL-14901) - Wakope VH23-037-0075
7. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Trust The Soul VH23-052-0110
8. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Can Face It VH21-037-0036
9. Marjahilla (VRL-14810) - Smoking Hot Booty VH23-055-0003
10. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Roadcatch VH23-014-0207
11. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Gold Serie Sequel VH22-052-0084
12. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Belmont Red Coral VH14-014-0005
13. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Texas Sweetie VH23-014-0211
14. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Plot Holes Everywhere VH21-037-0100
15. S (VRL-00329) - B Wild N Alive Ion VH21-014-0120
16. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Tick Tock Daddy VH23-014-0209
17. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Splash Cash VH23-052-0109
18. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin String It VH22-014-0092
19. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Belmont Northdance VH13-052-0041
20. S (VRL-00329) - Lady California Ion VH21-052-0089
21. S (VRL-00329) - Shadow Two Ion VH23-014-0020
22. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Hustle VH21-014-0208
23. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Golden Game VH23-014-0208
24. titiuu (VRL-10361) - No Plot Rin VH22-037-0033
25. S (VRL-00329) - American Dan Ion VH23-014-0013
26. S (VRL-00329) - Smoky Blue Lena Ion VH21-052-0094
27. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Gun Star Vito VH18-014-0127
28. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Fleetston West VH23-052-0111
29. S (VRL-00329) - Wanted Dead Or Alive VH23-014-0022
30. S (VRL-00329) - Triggerhappy Annie Ion VH21-052-0093
31. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Mountain Berry Jack VH13-014-0087
32. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Marlina Rin VH22-014-0130
33. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Texas Dirty VH23-014-0210
34. Mäni (VRL-14905) – OWR Quahneah VH23-052-0003
35. Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Dixie Dee VH23-014-0213
36. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Death Puppy VH23-115-0022
37. S (VRL-00329) - Zana Smoke Ion VH21-052-0095
38. Mäni (VRL-14905) – Arktik VH18-060-0006
Luokka 16. Reined cow horse, os. 26
1. S (VRL-00329) - Up 'N Away Ion VH21-014-0124
2. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Rockabye VH22-052-0055
3. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Gun Star Vito VH18-014-0127
4. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Davy Davy Boy VH22-052-0083
5. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Daughter VH22-014-0084
6. S (VRL-00329) - Bar Gun Fight Ion VH23-052-0005
7. Susan Moss (VRL-14901) - Wakope VH23-037-0075
8. S (VRL-00329) - Fancy Blue Hour Ion VH21-052-0087
9. S (VRL-00329) - Smoky Blue Lena Ion VH21-052-0094
10. S (VRL-00329) - Shadow Two Ion VH23-014-0020
11. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Belmont Red Coral VH14-014-0005
12. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Blood Goes Round N Round Rin VH21-052-0122
13. S (VRL-00329) - B Wild N Alive Ion VH21-014-0120
14. S (VRL-00329) - Lady California Ion VH21-052-0089
15. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Belmont Northdance VH13-052-0041
16. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Classy N In Love VH23-014-0136
17. S (VRL-00329) - American Dan Ion VH23-014-0013
18. Marjahilla (VRL-14810) - Smoking Hot Booty VH23-055-0003
19. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Mountain Berry Jack VH13-014-0087
20. S (VRL-00329) - Wanted Dead Or Alive VH23-014-0022
21. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Bloody Sun Rising Ion VH21-014-0220
22. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Bobbie-Boy Rin VH22-133-0058
23. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Rise From Shadows VH22-014-0028
24. S (VRL-00329) - Magnum Bullet Ion VH23-014-0017
25. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Shiny Things Rin VH22-052-0056
26. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Wera Walentina Rin VH22-014-0077
Luokka 17. Breakaway roping, os. 25
1. S (VRL-00329) - Lady California Ion VH21-052-0089
2. S (VRL-00329) - Magnum Bullet Ion VH23-014-0017
3. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Mountain Berry Jack VH13-014-0087
4. S (VRL-00329) - Wanted Dead Or Alive VH23-014-0022
5. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Ready for Scares Rin VH22-133-0057
6. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Gun Star Vito VH18-014-0127
7. S (VRL-00329) - Bar Gun Fight Ion VH23-052-0005
8. Susan Moss (VRL-14901) - Wakope VH23-037-0075
9. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Miss Stockings VH22-014-0014
10. S (VRL-00329) - Shadow Two Ion VH23-014-0020
11. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Spirit’s Reflection VH21-014-0265
12. S (VRL-00329) - B Wild N Alive Ion VH21-014-0120
13. S (VRL-00329) - Sweetiepie O'Hara VH20-052-0035
14. S (VRL-00329) - Smoky Blue Lena Ion VH21-052-0094
15. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Timesaver VH21-014-0218
16. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Belmont Northdance VH13-052-0041
17. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Fairford VH22-002-0017
18. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Far Far Away Rin VH21-002-0029
19. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Stefcia Rin VH21-037-0087
20. S (VRL-00329) - B Connecticutensian Ion VH21-052-0083
21. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Lucky to be Lucky VH22-052-0030
22. Sartza (VRL-11260) - Belmont Red Coral VH14-014-0005
23. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Rin Battlemoon VH22-133-0059
24. titiuu (VRL-10361) - Gertrude Rin VH22-002-0015
25. S (VRL-00329) - American Dan Ion VH23-014-0013