Cherry Wine Rin   VH21-052-0127 / #35877


Rotu, sukupuolipaint, ori
Väri, genetiikkaruunivoikko tobiano
Täyttänyt 3-vuotta02.05.2022
OmistajaSyringa Ranch / VRL-10361
KasvattajaSyringa Ranch / VRL-10361


i. Bad Cherry BW
rnvkkkrj ph-o, 156cm
ii. Bad Apple Sands iii. The Black Sabbath iiii. Payasada
iiie. Tribulation TWO
iie. Aphrodite iiei. Smudge
iiee. Beefra BB
ie. Cherry Lass Sands iei. Elite Flash ieii. Elite Lucky
ieie. Elite Miss Daisy
iee. Cherry Poppin' LB ieei. Eleventyseven
ieee. Good Charlotte
e. Jane Again BW
rtkrj ph-t, 151cm
ei. Piece Of Love eii. Piece of Me eiii. Spare Time
eiie. How Gee
eie. Love Letter eiei. Basedrum
eiee. Letter
ee. Jane Doe eei. Puppeteer Of Pandemonium eeii. Dance for Sniper
eeie. Baby Barbarian
eee. Jolly Roger eeei. Swedish Fellow
eeee. Baby Trust

SyntynytVarsan tiedotIsä / Emä
17.10.2022ph-o Rin Wayward WineRin Wayward Mess
00.00.0000rotu-skp Virallinen nimiVirallinen nimi


Statistiikka: G2, 18: 2-6-6-0, vs. 1 455 400 v€, voitot 11 %, sijoitukset 78 %

3yo 03.05.2022 Briarwood Stables, maiden 1f D, 2/4, 4 800 v€
3yo 05.05.2022 Briarwood Stables, maiden 1f T, 1/3, 8 000 v€
3yo 11.05.2022 Briarwood Stables, G2 1f D, 3/4, 32 000 v€
3yo 21.05.2022 Briarwood Stables, G2 1f D, 5/6, 8 000 v€
3yo 23.05.2022 Briarwood Stables, G2 1f T, 2/4, 48 000 v€
3yo 27.05.2022 Briarwood Stables, G2 1f T, 5/5, 8 000 v€
3yo 31.05.2022 Briarwood Stables, G2 1f T, 3/4, 32 000 v€
3yo 02.06.2022 Briarwood Stables, G2 1f D, 3/5, 32 000 v€
3yo 10.06.2022 Briarwood Stables, G2 3f T, 5/5, 8 000 v€
3yo 17.06.2022 Briarwood Stables, Willyame Handicap Sim Champion of Champions prep, G2 2f D, 1/3, 100 000 v€
3yo 21.06.2022 Briarwood Stables, Najar Racers Championship Sim Champion of Champions prep, G1 2f D, 2/3, 150 000 v€
3yo 30.06.2022 Syringa Ranch, Paragon Future Favorite Paragon Plate Juvenile prep, G1 1f D, 3/4, 68 000 v€
3yo 01.07.2022 LJ, Fience Juvenile Special , G1 2f D, 2/4, 75 000 v€
3yo 19.07.2022 LJ, Fience Cup Juvenile , G1 2f D, 8/8, 0 v€

4yo 19.08.2022 Syringa Ranch, Fience Illinois Cup Fience Cup Classic prep, G2 3.5f D, 3/3, 37 600 v€
4yo 10.09.2022 Karma Racehorses, Dreamsome Handicap Paragon Plate Classic prep, G1 3f D, 3/3, 76 000 v€
4yo 27.09.2022 Karma Racehorses, Wisconsin Stakes Fience Cup Classic prep, G1 4f D, 2/4, 168 000 v€
4yo 11.10.2022 LJ, Fience Cup Classic , G1 4f D, 2/3, 600 000 v€

Ulkoasu © VRL-10361
Hevosen kuvat © Zuzana Buráňová
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