Set it Run   VH21-014-0106


Rotu, sukupuoliquarterhevonen, ori
Väri, genetiikkaruunikonkimo (Ee/AA/Gg)
SyntymäpäiväCAS XXVI (23.10.2012)
Täyttänyt 3-vuottaCAS XXIX (13.05.2013)
IkääntyminenCAS 8-vuotiaaksi, sen jälkeen satunnaisesti
OmistajaSyringa Ranch / VRL-10361
KasvattajaDen Windol
MaahantuojaBionde Horsetransport


i. Running Bird
rtkm qh-o, 156cm
ii. Birth to Run iii. Lolligag iiii. Demidion
iiie. Tigeress
iie. Exile Girl iiei. Existing
iiee. Damn You Boy
ie. Twilip iei. Sinister ieii. Samvais
ieie. Chinlia
iee. Worth of Luck ieei. Luckless Bastard
ieee. Wearing Shoes
e. Demiria
rn qh-t, 155cm
ei. Jelly Bottom eii. Bottomless Stomach eiii. Always Hungry
eiie. Running with Scissors
eie. Glorious eiei. First World Problems
eiee. Illustri's Gloria
ee. Dorada eei. There's the Quick One eeii. Here Goes the Hero
eeie. The Pretty One
eee. Dixie GO eeei. Ramond GO
eeee. Marvellous Girl

SyntynytVarsan tiedotEmä
13.01.2020qh-o Set It FreeElectronic Start
23.02.2022qh-t Rin Bye Bye BabyH.W. Bye Bye Sweetie


WRJ :: 27.02.2021 - Syringa Ranch - Reining - 4/19
WRJ :: 01.03.2021 - Syringa Ranch - Freestyle reining - 3/19
WRJ :: 08.07.2021 - Syringa Ranch - Keyhole race - 2/24
WRJ :: 11.07.2021 - Syringa Ranch - Barrel racing - 2/26
WRJ :: 30.07.2021 - Deadwood - Reining - 7/53
WRJ :: 27.07.2021 - Syringa Ranch - Reining - 1/41
WRJ :: 28.07.2021 - Syringa Ranch - Reining - 5/41
WRJ :: 30.07.2021 - Syringa Ranch - Freestyle reining - 2/35
WRJ CUP :: 31.07.202 - Zurück - Pole bending - 7/51
WRJ :: 02.08.2021 - Deadwood - Reining - 1/34
WRJ :: 05.08.2021 - Deadwood - Reining - 5/34
WRJ :: 13.08.2021 - Troll Stud - Pole bending - 3/33
WRJ :: 13.08.2021 - Troll Stud - Keyhole race - 3/33
WRJ :: 14.08.2021 - Troll Stud - Barrel racing - 1/33
WRJ :: 14.08.2021 - Troll Stud - Pole bending - 3/33
WRJ :: 14.08.2021 - Troll Stud - Pole bending - 1/33
WRJ :: 15.08.2021 - Troll Stud - Keyhole race - 3/33
WRJ :: 15.08.2021 - Troll Stud - Keyhole race - 5/33
WRJ :: 16.08.2021 - Troll Stud - Barrel racing - 05/33
WRJ :: 16.08.2021 - Troll Stud - Pole bending - 1/33
WRJ :: 17.08.2021 - Troll Stable - Pole bending - 1/33
WRJ :: 17.08.2021 - Troll Stable - Keyhole race - 4/33
WRJ :: 19.08.2021 - Troll Stable - Pole bending - 5/33
Villi-Cup :: 31.08.2021 - Adina - Reining - 2/10
Villi-Cup :: 31.08.2021 - Adina - Barrel racing - 2/10
WRJ-Cup :: 02.09.2021 - Syringa Ranch - Freestyle reining - 3/33
WRJ :: 03.09.2021 - Syringa Ranch - Freestyle reining - 5/33
WRJ :: 05.09.2021 - Syringa Ranch - Freestyle reining - 3/33

Ulkoasu © VRL-10361
Hevosen kuvat © Legopinto (by-nc-sa)
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