The Bundy Beetle Rin   VH22-037-0030


Rotu, sukupuoliappaloosa, tamma
Väri, genetiikkarautias white blanket
Täyttänyt 4-vuotta20.07.2022
OmistajaSyringa Ranch / VRL-10361
KasvattajaSyringa Ranch / VRL-10361


i. Murdering Mike Ion
rttkrj app-o, 150cm
ii. Pink Thorne iii. Earl Skipper GA iiii. Skip A Dream
iiie. Bright Bar
iie. Kelly Thorn GA iiei. Fancy Thorn
iiee. Kelly Fresh
ie. DLHS Molly The Murderer iei. Burning In The Skies ieii. Burning Alive
ieie. Heaven's Gate
iee. Hello Kitty Murder ieei. Black Is Black
ieee. Hey Hello Kitty
e. Dead's Esuvee
rttkrj app-t, 150cm
ei. CHR Electric Eye eii. Cottoneye X eiii. Smoke Eyes
eiie. Silly Sundancer
eie. Minal Roze'e eiei. Rascalize
eiee. Miles Away
ee. Rin Can Face It eei. Drift's Five Faces eeii.
eee. You Can Do It eeei.

SyntynytVarsan tiedotIsä / Emä
00.00.0000rotu-skp Virallinen nimiVirallinen nimi
00.00.0000rotu-skp Virallinen nimiVirallinen nimi


WRJ CUP :: 31.08.2022 - Deadwood - Breakaway roping - 3/20
WRJ :: 19.12.2022 - Syringa Ranch - Cutting - 2/13
WRJ :: 20.12.2022 - Syringa Ranch - Cutting - 2/13
WRJ :: 20.12.2022 - Syringa Ranch - Reined cow horse - 3/13
WRJ :: 20.12.2022 - Syringa Ranch - Breakaway roping - 2/13
WRJ CUP :: 30.04.2023 - Deadwood - Cutting - 2/20
WRJ :: 18.04.2023 - Ahtohalla - Cutting - 4/33
WRJ :: 18.04.2023 - Ahtohalla - Breakaway roping - 1/21
WRJ :: 19.04.2023 - Ahtohalla - Cutting - 2/33
WRJ :: 19.04.2023 - Ahtohalla - Cutting - 4/33
WRJ :: 21.04.2023 - Ahtohalla - Cutting - 2/33
WRJ :: 21.04.2023 - Ahtohalla - Breakaway roping - 4/21
WRJ :: 22.04.2023 - Ahtohalla - Reined cow horse - 4/21
WRJ :: 23.04.2023 - Ahtohalla - Reined cow horse - 1/21
WRJ :: 03.06.2023 - Namyshill - Breakaway roping - 1/15
WRJ :: 04.06.2023 - Namyshill - Breakaway roping - 3/15
WRJ :: 05.06.2023 - Namyshill - Breakaway roping - 1/15
WRJ :: 06.06.2023 - Namyshill - Breakaway roping - 1/15
WRJ :: 10.06.2023 - Namyshill - Breakaway roping - 3/15

Ulkoasu © VRL-10361
Hevosen kuvat © Matty
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